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Atropine Eye Drops

Main useActive ingredientManufacturer
Dilation of pupilAtropine sulphate (Eye)Non-proprietary

How does it work?

Atropine belongs to the group of medicines called anti-muscarinics. Atropine blocks the receptors in the muscles of the eye (muscarinic receptors). These receptors are involved in controlling the pupil size and the shape of the lens.

By blocking these receptors, atropine produces dilatation of the pupil (mydriasis) and prevents the eye from accommodating for near vision (cycloplegia). 

Atropine is given as eye drops to dilate the pupil and relax the lens so that eye examinations can be carried out thoroughly. It is often used to aid eye examinations in young children. It is also used to relax the muscles that inflame and over-contract in the eye in conditions such as uveitus.

Irises that are dark in colour require larger doses of eye drops as they do not dilate as easily in response to this medicine.

What is it used for?

  • Dilating the pupil to aid examination of the eye
  • Inflammation of the coloured part of the eye and the muscle that controls it (uveitis)


  • Do not drive unless you can see clearly.
  • You should not wear soft contact lenses while you are using this medicine. This it because the medicine contains a preservative that can be absorbed by soft contact lenses and cause eye irritation.

Use with caution in

  • Elderly people
  • Increased pressure within the eye ball (raised intraocular pressure)
  • Infants under 3 months of age

Not to be used in

  • Known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredient

This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.

If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.

  • The safety of this medicine during pregnancy has not been established. Seek medical advice from your doctor.
  • The safety of this medicine during breastfeeding has not been established. Seek medical advice from your doctor.

Side effects

Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Because a side effect is stated here, it does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.

  • Irritation in area of use
  • Inflammation of the lining of the eye, causing pain and redness (conjunctivitis)
  • Swelling of a small area (local oedema)
  • Stinging and blurring of vision
  • Watering eyes (lacrimation)
  • Raised pressure inside the eye
  • Red eye due to excess blood supply (hyperaemia)

The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer.

For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

How can this medicine affect other medicines?

The effect of antimuscarinic medicines may be enhanced by the concurrent administration of other medicines with anti-muscarinic properties:
tricyclic anti-depressants

Other medicines containing the same active ingredients


屬於組阿托品藥物稱為抗muscarinics。 阿托品阻斷這種受體在肌肉眼(毒蕈鹼受體)。 這些受體參與控制瞳孔的大小和形狀的鏡頭。


阿托品眼藥水是給予瞳孔擴張和放鬆的鏡頭眼科檢查可以進行深入研究。 它經常被用來幫助幼兒視力檢查。 它也被用來放鬆肌肉發炎和過度的眼睛,在合同條件,如uveitus。



  • 瞳孔擴張,以幫助檢查眼睛
  • 炎症的彩色部分的眼睛和肌肉控制它(葡萄膜炎)


  • 不要開車,除非你可以清楚地看到。
  • 你不應該佩戴軟性隱形眼鏡,而你正在使用這種藥。 這是因為該藥物含有防腐劑,可以吸收軟性隱形眼鏡,造成眼睛不適。


  • 老人
  • 增加眼球內的壓力(提出眼壓)
  • 3個月以下的嬰兒年齡


  • 已知的任何敏感或過敏成分

這種藥不應該使用如果你是一個過敏或任何其成分。 請告知你的醫生或藥劑師,如果你曾經經歷過這樣的過敏反應。



某些藥物不應懷孕或哺乳期間使用。 然而,其他藥物可以安全地用於提供懷孕或哺乳母親的益處大於風險的胎兒。 總是告知你的醫生,如果您是懷孕或計劃懷孕前,使用任何藥物。

  • 這種藥的安全懷孕期間尚未確定。 求醫從你的醫生。
  • 這種藥的安全哺乳期間尚未確定。 求醫從你的醫生。


藥品及其可能帶來的副作用也影響到個別人以不同的方式。 以下是一些副作用是已知的與此相關的藥。 因為這裡所說的副作用是,它並不意味著所有的人使用這種藥會的經驗,或任何副作用。

  • 刺激性面積使用
  • 發炎的眼睛裡,導致疼痛和紅腫(結膜炎)
  • 膨脹的一個小區域(局部水腫)
  • 刺痛和視力模糊
  • 澆水眼睛(流淚)
  • 凸起的眼睛內部壓力
  • 紅眼由於血液供應過剩(充血)






Side Effects of Atropine Eye Drops

Optometrists and ophthalmologists sometimes use atropine ophthalmic eye drops to dilate the pupil before eye examinations. Atropine also is used to relax the eye muscles to relieve pain after surgery or when the patient has an inflammatory eye condition. Numerous side effects are possible, but most are rare.

    Common Side Effects

  1. Atropine eye drops can cause blurred vision, and people should avoid driving if they experience this side effect. Another common side effect is sensitivity to bright light, because the pupil cannot react to light while under the influence of atropine. These side effects disappear as the medication wears off.
  2. Other Side Effects

  3. Other common atropine side effects include eye irritation or stinging, eye redness, minor eyelid swelling and redness and dry mouth.
  4. Serious Reactions

  5. Rare but more serious reactions to atropine eye drops call for medical attention. These include fever, irregular or fast heart rate, confusion and difficulty urinating.
  6. Pediatric Side Effects

  7. Serious rare side effects that are more common in children than adults include hallucinations, irritability and unusual behavior. Infants may develop a swollen or distended stomach.
  8. Allergic Reaction

  9. Another rare atropine side effect is an allergic reaction. Signs include difficulty breathing, throat closing, hives or rash and swelling of the face or mouth.

Read more: Side Effects of Atropine Eye Drops | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5207555_side-effects-atropine-eye-drops.html#ixzz0x23q9jDK


驗光師和眼科醫生有時使用阿托品眼眼藥水來擴張瞳孔前眼科檢查。 阿托品也用於放鬆眼部肌肉,以減輕手術後疼痛,或當病人有一眼睛發炎的情況。 許多副作用是可能的,但大多數都是罕見的。


  1. 阿托品滴眼液可引起視力模糊,人們應該避免駕車,如果他們遇到這種副作用。 另一種常見的副作用是明亮的光線敏感,因為學生不能光反應的影響下,而阿托品。 這些副作用的藥物消失,消退。
  2. 其他副作用

  3. 其他常見的副作用包括阿托品眼刺激或刺痛,眼睛發紅,眼瞼腫脹,輕微發紅,口乾。
  4. 嚴重反應

  5. 少見但更嚴重的反應,阿托品滴眼液請醫生診治。 這些包括發燒,心跳不規則或快速,混亂和排尿困難。
  6. 小兒副作用

  7. 罕見的嚴重副作用較常見的 兒童 比成年人包括幻覺,煩躁不安和不尋常的行為。 嬰兒可能出現一腫脹或胃擴張。
  8. 過敏性反應

  9. 另一種罕見的阿托品的副作用是過敏反應。 症狀包括呼吸困難,喉嚨關閉,蕁麻疹或皮疹和腫脹的臉或嘴。

Read more: Side Effects of Atropine Eye Drops | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5207555_side-effects-atropine-eye-drops.html#ixzz0x24iXQPK
Atropine is an alkaloid that is extracted from the plant Atropa belladonna and some other plants that belong to the family Solanaceae. It is a secondary metabolite of these plants and is an important drug that is used to treat many conditions. It is an anticholinergic drug. This means that this drug increases conduction through the atrioventricular node of the heart and decreases the actions of the vagus nerve. In short, atropine tends to lower the parasympathetic action on the muscles and glands by reducing secretions in the body. This action is brought about because atropine is a competitive antagonist of acetylcholine receptors. Given below are details regarding atropine eye drops uses, effects and side effects.

Effects & Uses of Atropine Eye Drops
As atropine belongs to the group of anti-muscarinics, it blocks the receptors in the muscles of the eye when used in the form of eye drops. These are the receptors that are involved in controlling the size of the pupil and the shape of the lens of the eye. By blocking these receptors, atropine causes dilatation of the pupil, which is known as mydriasis. This then prevents ciliary muscle function and so prevents the eye from performing the function of accommodation, that is, adjusting vision to near and distant objects. This paralysis of the ciliary muscles is known as cycloplegia. Thus, atropine eye drops are given to dilate the pupil and relax the lens. This is done so that eye examinations can be carried out without hindrance due to dilation and constriction of the iris of the eye. This is also often used to aid eye examinations in small children. The other use of atropine in the form of eye drops is also to relax muscles that are inflamed and so, over contract in the eye, as is seen in uveitus, which is inflammation of the middle layer of the eye. Atropine in eye drops also help to relieve pain that is associated with iridocyclitis. It also helps in treating ciliary block (malignant) glaucoma.

Atropine Eye Drops Side Effects & Precautions
Although atropine causes a decrease in the amount of secretions in the body, it can lead to an increase in the pressure in the eye. Hence, this topical medication is contraindicated in patients that are suffering from or have a predisposition to narrow angle glaucoma. There are certain precautions that one needs to take when he or she has been administered atropine eye drops. The eye loses out on the accommodation reflex. Furthermore, although the maximum effect of these eye drops is seen within an hour, the atropine eye drops duration of action can go on for up to two weeks. Thus, a person may have blurry vision for up to two weeks. Due to this reason, the person should not drive a vehicle, operate any machinery or perform any such activity that can be impaired due to blurry vision. Also, ensure that when instilling the eye drops, you do not touch the tip of the dropper, as contamination of this tip can lead to an eye infection.

There are many side effects of atropine eye drops, like blurred vision, slight irritation of the eye, an irregular heart beat and even hallucinations. Sometimes, people also become photophobic and develop a sensitivity to light till the action of the drug lasts.

Read more on:This was all about the uses, effects and side effects of atropine eye drops. Although this drug is enlisted as an essential drug by the WHO and is considered to be relatively safe, in rare cases, a person may even have an allergic reaction to these eye drops. There may be symptoms like swelling of the eyelid and severe discomfort. If this happens, the person should immediately report to the doctor so that the condition can be treated.
By Dr. Sumaiya Khan
Published: 5/27/2010
阿托品是一種生物鹼,是從植物中提取 顛茄 和其他一些植物,屬於家庭 茄科 這是一個對這些植物的次生代謝產物,是重要的藥物,用來治療許多條件。 它是一種抗膽鹼藥物。 這意味著這種藥物通過房室傳導增加節點,降低了心臟的迷走神經的行動。 總之,阿托品傾向於降低副交感神經行動的肌肉和腺體分泌物減少在體內。 這一行動是因為阿托品帶來的是一個競爭的乙酰膽鹼受體拮抗劑。 由於下面是詳細情況阿托品眼藥水使用,效果和副作用。

由於阿托品屬於組反muscarinics,它會阻止受體在肌肉的眼睛在使用時的形式眼藥水。 這些受體所涉及的控制瞳孔的大小和形狀的透鏡眼睛。 通過阻止這些受體,阿托品導致擴張的瞳孔,這是被稱為瞳孔散大。 這就防止 睫狀肌的功能 ,因此可以防止眼睛免於履行職能的住所,即,調整近期和遠景,遙遠的對象。 這種癱瘓的睫狀肌稱為睫狀肌麻痺。 因此,給予阿托品滴眼液瞳孔擴張和放鬆的鏡頭。 這是這樣做的眼科檢查可以不受阻礙地進行擴張和收縮,由於對虹膜眼睛。 這也是經常被用來援助小兒童視力檢查。 另外在使用阿托品滴眼液的形式也是放鬆肌肉的發炎,所以對合同的眼睛,就像看到uveitus,這是炎症反應的中間層的眼睛。 阿托品滴眼液也有助於減輕疼痛,是與虹膜睫狀體炎。 它還可以幫助治療睫狀塊(惡性)青光眼。

雖然阿托品導致減少的數額在體內的分泌物,它可以導致增加壓力的眼睛。 因此,這個局部用藥禁忌的病人,患有或有傾向以窄角型青光眼。 有一定的預防措施,一個需要考慮時,他或她已被管理的阿托品滴眼液。 眼睛失去了對住宿反射。 此外,雖然最大的效果,這些滴眼液是一小時內出現,持續時間的阿托品滴眼液的行動可以繼續長達兩個星期。 因此,一個人可能有視力模糊長達兩個星期。 由於這個原因,不應當駕駛車輛,操作機械或從事任何此類活動,可因視力模糊受損。 此外,確保灌輸眼藥水時,你不要觸摸尖端的滴管,作為本技巧的污染可以導致 眼睛感染

有很多副作用,阿托品滴眼液,如視力模糊,輕微刺激眼睛的,一個不規則的心跳,甚至幻覺。 有時,人們也變得避光和發展畏光,直到行動的藥物持續。

了解更多:這是所有有關的用途,效果和副作用的阿托品滴眼液。 雖然這種藥物是入伍作為一項基本藥物由世衛組織,被認為是比較安全的,在極少數情況下,一個人甚至可能有過敏性反應,這些眼藥水。 可能有症狀如眼瞼腫脹和嚴重不適。 如果發生這種情況,該人應立即報告醫生,因而可以治療的條件。

由 博士 Sumaiya汗

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