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荔枝是超級水果,世界各地都受到矚目,滋味甜美又富含很多促進健康的成分。 含很多的維他命CB群,有助於增強免疫系統,防止發炎現象,並幫助身體代謝碳水化合物,蛋白質與脂肪。

荔枝含有荔枝果實多酚(oligol),具有強大抗病毒作用,對於感冒,流感,發燒,腺體腫脹或喉嚨痛都很有幫助。 荔枝以能緩解最頑固的咳嗽著稱,並提供顯著的呼吸緩解和慢性咳嗽。



它們也是微量元素:銅,鐵,鋅,硒和鉀的良好來源,可以幫助滋養血液並提高能量。 荔枝表面粗糙有覆盆莓色的外皮,很容易剝開,有甜美多汁的果肉,果肉之內是閃亮的棕色種子,要丟棄。水果是甜美和清新,小孩大人都喜歡。


Lychees are a superfruit that are revered around the world for their delicious flavor and their numerous health promoting properties. They are a rich source of vitamin C and B-complex which help to boost the immune system, protect against inflammation, and aid the body in metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Lychees contain a compound called oligonol which has powerful anti-viral properties and are highly beneficial for those suffering with colds, flu, fever, swollen glands, or sore throat. Lychees have the reputation of being able to help the most stubborn of coughs and provide significant respiratory relief from congestion and chronic coughs.

They also contains flavonoids which can help to prevent the growth of cancer cells as well as reduce the size of tumors. Lychees are packed with antioxidants that are known to help reduce weight, improve circulation, and protect the body from aging and disease. Lychees also contain unique compounds that help to eliminate candida.

They are a good source of copper, iron, zinc, selenium, and potassium which can help to nourish the blood and increase energy levels. Lychees have a rough raspberry colored skin that can be easily peeled off to expose the juicy grape like fruit inside. Inside the juicy flesh is a shiny brown seed that should be discarded. The fruit is sweet and refreshing and is thoroughly enjoyed by children and adults alike.


Fresh lychees are often found in the supermarket between July-October, but the fruit can also be found anytime of the year in the form of juices, jams, jellies, and sorbet. Dried or frozen lychee can also be found in speciality markets while healing lychee fruit extract can be found in capsule, tincture, tea, and liquid form online or at your local health food store.


台長: 喜貓
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