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有關疫苗安全報導 - 你的法定權利到哪裏? (轉自NaturalNews臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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Let's start with the undeniable (scientific) truth about vaccines - they fail to prevent disease and are NOT the reason that small pox, polio plus other infectious disease rates have declined. If fact, it is quite clear that vaccinations - filled with toxic ingredients like mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde - actually cause sickness and premature death.

讓我們先以疫苗不可否認的科學事實開始 - 它們無法預防疾病, 而且不是小痘, 脊髓灰質炎, 與其他感染性疾病降低的原因. 事實上, 很清楚地, 疫苗, 充滿有毒成份, 像汞, 鋁, 與甲醛, 反而會引起疾病, 造成過早死亡

Medical doctors warn the public about the dangers of vaccines


"My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others." - Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

我的懷疑, 來自同業的分享, 每年發生在美國, 幾乎有一萬個死亡案例是與疫苗有關, 百日咳疫苗嫌疑很大, 但也可能還有其它疫苗. by 醫學博士 Robert mendelsohn

"My data proves that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. This question can only be determined by proper studies which have never been performed. The flaw of previous studies is that there was no long term follow up and chronic toxicity was not looked at. The American Society of Microbiology has promoted my research...and thus acknowledges the need for proper studies." - John B.Classen, M.D., M.B.A.

我的資料證明用來支持免疫接種的研究是有瑕疵, 免疫接種能普及地提供給個人與社會完全的利益這是不可能的. 唯有透過更進一步適當的研究才能證明, 但這類研究從沒做過. 我們說有瑕疵是因為免疫接種沒有長期追蹤, 與長期毒性監控. 美國微生物社會提倡我的研究, ...確認確實需要再更進一步的審視... by 醫學博士 John B. Classen

"Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children, between 1860-1965, because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunizations and antibiotics." - Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.

1860-1965年之間, 在預防接種與抗生素未引進醫界之前, 兒童死亡率就已降低九成之多, 所指死亡率包括百日咳, 猩紅熱,白喉麻疹

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." - Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former chief vaccine officer for the Bureau of Biological Standards at the National Institutes of Health and FDA

"有更多證據顯示兒童的預防接種弊多於利" J Anthony Morris博士表示, 前疫苗事務員

"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection" - Dr. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine

官方資料顯示大規模疫苗無法取得任何顯著的疾病改善, 無法得到他們以為可以得到的保護. Sabin博士,

Jonas Salk, M.D., inventor of the first polio vaccine, testified before a Senate subcommittee 'that nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine.'

醫學博士Jonas Salk, 最早發明第一支脊髓灰質炎疫苗的人, 在參議院小組委員會作證 "幾乎所有1961年以後脊髓灰質炎的爆發是脊髓灰質炎口服疫苗造成的

I could go on and on - but, the point is there are many medical doctors (to this day), including Drs. Suzanne Humphries, Jack Wolfson and Robert Rowen, warning the public about the dangers of vaccines; the lack of scientific evidence and, in fact, the research fraud being committed at the highest levels of our government-sponsored health agencies like the CDC and FDA
我可以一直舉例, 但, 重點是, 有很多醫學博士, 包括Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Jack Wolfson, Robert Rowen, 警告大眾有關疫苗的危險性, 缺乏科學根據, 事實上, 還會在來自最高政府機關的背書下做假的研究報告

The mainstream media deliberately deceives the general public and conventional medicine is merely supporting the agenda of big pharma - without any critical thought whatsoever.

主流媒體存心欺瞞大眾, 傳統醫藥只支持大藥廠 - 沒有任何真正自己的想法. 

Let's be clear: This is an attack on your civil rights

讓我們打開天窗說亮話: 這是在侵犯你的公民權力

The pharmaceutical industry, along with conventional medicine, is in a state of panic over the number of people refusing to be vaccinated. Word is getting out, big pharma falsifies scientific data; federal health agencies refuse to protect the public by suppressing the truth about ineffective (harmful) vaccines and the government wants to force vaccines onto every one of its citizens - despite the health dangers.

醫藥產業, 伴隨傳統醫藥, 其實對於民眾不想注射疫苗處在一種恐慌的境地. 話已說出, 大藥廠將科學數據造假, 州立衛生單位不保護大眾, 還壓抑疫苗沒有效的事實, 政府還想強迫疫苗接種, 不管它的危險性

This is a complete violation of medical ethics and common sense. Medical tyranny is upon us and if we don't stand up now - we could lose all our healthcare rights.
這是完全侵犯醫療倫理與醫療常識. 如果我們不站出來面對醫療暴政, 我們會失去自有健康照護的權力.

Alan Phillips, J.D. is the only attorney in the United States whose practice is focused solely on vaccine exemptions and waivers. He advises individuals, families, attorneys, groups and organizations throughout the U.S. on vaccine exemption and waiver rights; supports legislative initiatives aimed at expanding vaccine freedom of choice; is published internationally on vaccine health and legal matters; has appeared at rallies, conferences throughout the U.S., and hosts two weekly radio shows discussing vaccine rights issues.
Alan Phillips, J.D是全美國唯一專攻疫苗免除的律師. 他建議民眾, 家庭, 律師, 團體不要打疫苗的權力; 支持針對擴大疫苗自由選擇的立法草案; 正準備出版有關疫苗健康與立法條案; 出現在一些促改會中, 也主持兩個討論疫苗權力的廣播節目

Over the years, Alan has helped clients secure vaccine exemptions in a wide variety of settings, including schools, the military, immigration, healthcare and parents in vaccine custody disputes. Alan's e-book, "The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions" is the only publication that provides authoritative, accurate, in-depth information about how state and federal laws interact with individual circumstances to form the precise boundaries of each person's legal right to refuse vaccines.
這些年, Alan(上一段所講律師)幫助顧客在很多情況保護他們免打疫苗的權力, 包括在學校, 軍隊, 移民, 健康照護, 以及疫苗監護權的糾紛.  Alan出版E book, "免除疫苗的權威指引"是唯一一部針對全國與州立立法如何與百姓個體環境互動形成每個人精確的合法界限以拒絕施打疫苗, 這是唯一一部權威, 精準, 深入的資訊

Don't be harmed by vaccinations.
Get informed about the dangers of vaccines; know your legal rights and protect your health before it's too late.
不要被疫苗給傷害到, 讓自己資訊充份, 知道疫苗的危險性; 知道你的法定權力, 及時保護自己的健康

Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email address for show details + FREE gifts!

台長: 喜貓

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