嗯...是喔...<一直坐著>對健康的影響跟"抽煙"一樣. 不知為何, 一整天的活動, 房間到客廳, 家裏到辦公室, 交通工具的移動, 都設計讓我們坐下, 進到屋內更是常被"請坐", 也沒有人會講"請站". 買票更討厭買到站票.
但身體是被設計來多動, 常坐有損健康. 開始有工作場所設計用站的? @@ 日本應該很高興, 他們首開風氣, 拉麵店啦, 還有喝啤酒的地方都是用站的, 我每看到就覺得, 腳不是會站到鐵腿?!~
不過專家的話就聽聽, 想起有次在新光三越看到一個Lonely girl在發化粧品DM, 穿得美美的, 畫的美美的, 我跟媽媽從身旁經過, 看到她兩條腿都靜脈曲張, 臉上的表情就一付是細漢的被叫出來發的無奈.
The War On Sitting
You’ve already heard that sitting is the new smoking. Now, scientists reveal exactly how it hurts the body—and novel ways to undo the damage (without clocking hours at the gym). You might want to stand up for this.
你可能已聽過, 一直坐著跟抽煙一樣傷身. 現在, 科學揭露正是它如何傷害我們的身體, 以及怎樣改善這種現象. 你可能會想<站著支持>這種論點
We like to think we’re a stand-up species. After all, that’s what drove our evolutionary march away from many of our four-legged ancestors. But everywhere we go are invitations to sit down. Hop into your car and what’s there? If you’re lucky, a plush bucket seat designed with just the right tilt for your back. On the subway to work? A less comfortable seat, to be sure, but you’ll grab one if you can. Once at work, an office chair. At home, your favorite fauteuil. But all that hospitality, all those opportunities to give your feet a break, are doing untold things to the rest of your body.
我們傾向以為我們是天生站著的物種. 畢竟, 讓我們演化成與其它四腳動物祖先大不同的正是"站著". 但無論到那裏, 我們總是被邀請"請坐". 坐到車裏, 有什麼? 如果你夠幸運, 有個人座設計正好能支撐你的背部. 坐地鐵去上班? 嗯稍不舒服的坐椅, 但確定的是, 如果有空位, 你會找個坐位坐下來. 一旦進辦公室, 就是辦公椅, 又是坐下. 回到家, 當然是坐到你個人最喜歡的王位. 所有的招待所有的機會, 都是讓你的腳得以舒適稍休息, 在做一件沒言明的事, 讓你的身體休息
From standing desks and fitness trackers to groundbreaking pilot experiments in high schools in several cities, the movement to sit less and stand more is gaining momentum. Which is a good thing, because new evidence suggests that the more than eight hours the average American spends sitting every day could be exacting a serious—and previously misunderstood—toll.
從站桌到幾個城市高中打破傳統的艙長實驗, 一項倡導坐得少站得多的運動正在流行. 這是好事喔, 因為新的證據都說明平均每個美國人至少坐足超過八小時
<減少坐的小撇步> 試看看買個或做個屬於自己的站桌
Studies have long connected sedentary behavior to poor health, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. But doctors thought those problems could be traced to the fact that people who sat more were probably just not working out very much. The public health messages were in step with that thinking. “Let’s Move!” became a national mantra.
研究長久以來顯示久坐不站, 跟很多不良健康慢性病有關係, 比方心臟病, 糖尿病, 肥胖, 與高血壓. 不過醫生認為這些問題可追朔到人們坐久比較不好的事實. 公共衛生的訊息是緊接著而來的: "讓我們動一動", 成為全國國民運動
But while exercise is critical, it alone can’t make up for the ills of idleness. New research shows there’s a big difference between exercising too little and sitting too much. That’s because a standing body uses energy altogether differently from a sedentary body—and also from an exercising one. We burn calories at a different rate, store them in different ways, and our brains function differently, too. While data is still emerging, one experiment with high school kids found that standing in class instead of sitting improved their test scores by 20%.
雖然運動很重要, 但只運動並不能補足懶散不動而產生的病. 新的研究顯示, 運動不足 vs 坐太多, 這之間不是等號, 有很大的不同. 那是因為站著的時候, 身體整體用到的能量不同於坐著的時候, 也不同於勤於運動時候的能量. 我們以不同的速率在燃燒脂肪, 以不同的方式在儲存, 我們的腦也以不能方式在運作. 資料還在一項一項冒出來, 一項針對高中孩子的研究發現課堂上站著比坐著, 考試成績高出20%
All of which has doctors and health experts calling for a paradigm shift. “In the same way that standing up is an oddity now, sitting down should be,” says Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative and probably best known as the inventor of the first treadmill desk. “My argument is that whatever building it is—a movie theater, airport, arts complex—a fundamental part of our thinking has become that people who enter that space will need to be seated.” And that’s what got us into all this trouble in the first place.
所有這些, 醫生與健康專家說是種概念的改變. 現在站著顯得是件奇怪的事, 好像應要坐著. <我的觀點是無論你走進那個建築物, 電影院, 機場, 美術館, 藝術館, 我們整個的思考都是人們進入一個空間應該要坐著. 這是我們不自覺陷入麻煩的第一步.>任職於亞歷桑那州肥胖研究中心的詹母士瑞寧博士說.
This Is Your Body On Sitting
It’s not entirely our fault. As we moved from an active, agricultural lifestyle to one of offices and automated transport, every aspect of our day, from our meals to our jobs and our entertainment, have been adapted with one priority in mind: our comfort. Where our ancestors spent the large bulk of their waking hours on the go, modern life entails sitting for as much as half the day (and that’s not counting sleeping).
這也不全是我們的錯, 當我們從農業生活轉型到工業社會的辦公室, 一路都盡量透過機械運輸, 我們生活的每個層面, 從吃的, 工作到娛樂, 已經習慣一個前提: 舒服. 我們的祖先則是花很多的時間走來走去, 現代生活則是能坐盡量不要站.
The first studies to connect sedentary behavior to poor health emerged in recent decades when scientists started to confirm, in a reproducible way, the effect that extra pounds can have on the body. In these large analyses of men and women of nearly every age, the message was clear: People who spent more hours of the day sitting were more likely to develop a host of health problems.
最早將一直坐跟健康不佳連結在一起是過去幾十年的事, 科學家陸陸續續證明. 多餘的磅數可能反應在身體. 男女老少各年齡層, 這訊息是很清楚的, 人們一整天的時間幾乎都在坐著, 對健康真得很不好.
<降低坐著的小撇步> 每一整點站起來走一走, 即使只是在辦公室走來走去
A closer look at that data showed that swapping an hour on the couch for an hour playing catch wouldn’t cut it. A recent review of 43 studies analyzing daily activity and cancer rates found that people who reported sitting for more hours of the day had a 24% greater risk of developing colon cancer, a 32% higher risk of endometrial cancer and a 21% higher risk of lung cancer—regardless of how much they exercised. In another study involving a group of men and women who reported exercising the same amount, each additional hour they spent sitting was linked to a drop in their fitness levels. In other words, sitting was chipping away at some of the benefits of exercise.
That’s an important realization. The human body consumes energy in three main ways: every cell needs energy to go about its daily business, whether it’s a muscle cell that contracts and flexes or a liver cell that produces enzymes; we also need to break down the food that we eat; finally, we need energy to move, whether we’re pulling on a shirt or riding a bike. That latter energy—let’s call it activity energy—is further divided into the sweat-inducing kind that you use on the treadmill or in yoga and another kind, which scientists have cleverly called NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This includes nearly everything you do requiring movement: folding the laundry, walking up a flight of stairs, running to catch a train, even fidgeting.
有個重要的知識要分享, 人體以三種主要方式消耗能量. 每一個細胞都需要能量進行它的每日活動. 不論是負責收放的肌肉細胞, 還是負責產生酵素的肝細胞; 我們需把我們吃的食物打碎; 最後, 我們需要能量移動, 不管我們是要套上一件襯杉, 還是騎個腳踏車. 後者我們姑且說是活動能量, 或進一步分成- 產生流汗效果, 跟科學家稱: NEAT (意思是: 非運動型的產熱活動). 包括需要你動起來的每件事, 折衣服, 爬樓梯, 追趕火車(或公車)
The human body is designed to move, and a moving body is a needy body, siphoning off calories to make sure every cell is doing what it’s supposed to do. But even when we’re not exercising, we’re moving and using energy. That’s why NEAT matters. A body that’s sitting isn’t expending energy, so the signals that normally result in you moving—and which, in turn, burn calories—start to check out, molecularly bored with not being called into duty. Meanwhile, the processes that build up fat get busier. When that happens, it gets harder and harder to get off the chair.
人體是設計來動的, 一直處在動態的身體能不斷甩掉卡洛里, 讓每個細胞做它應該做的事. 即使我們不運動, 我們在移動, 在使用能量. 這是為何NEAT(非運動型的產熱活動)茲事體大. 一直坐著身體不太消耗能量, 所以會喚起你移動的信號, 比方燃燒卡洛里, 會開始檢查, 分子層面會感到無聊怎麼還不需要上工. 同時, 脂肪堆積的過程會變的忙碌. 當這發生, 身體會越來越不想離開椅子....
The other signals that keep us rooted on our rears may originate in the brain. In animal studies, obese rats seemed to have a switch that prevented them from burning NEAT calories efficiently. The reason why isn’t clear yet, but researchers are studying the brain signals that govern what makes us more likely to move—or not move—to answer it.
讓我們一直黏在椅子上的其他訊號來自大腦. 在動物研究中, 肥鼠似乎有轉換器, 防止牠們燃燒非運動型產熱卡洛里. 原因雖不清楚, 但研究人員在研究大腦似乎有控管我們移動或不移動的訊號
That could help explain, at least in part, why too much sitting seems to be so bad for the human body. People who sit at their desks most of the time, for example, only polish off 300 NEAT calories a day compared to, say, a coffee shop barista who spends most of his or her shift standing—and burning up to 1,300 extra calories daily.
似乎可解釋, 至少部份, 為何一直坐對人體很糟. 一直坐在桌前的人, 只消耗掉300卡洛里一天, 跟咖啡店站整天的服務生消耗1300卡洛里是差很多的.
There’s also intriguing evidence that sitting less may short-circuit some bodily processes that lead to diabetes. When we eat meals, our bodies experience a surge in blood sugar that peaks about an hour after we eat. If we’re sedentary and relatively immobile, our muscles and cells aren’t soaking up that glucose to fuel its daily activities. So all that extra sugar gets turned into fat. If we take a walk after lunch, however, some of that sugar is burned off in order to keep us on our feet and propel us forward. The less sugar that’s left after that activity, the less that gets turned into fat and contributes to obesity and eventually diabetes.
有個蠻微妙的證明是, 少坐可能會造成身體某些生理過程短路, 而導致糖尿病. 當我們吃東西, 身體血糖會上升, 大概在飯後一小時到達最高峰. 如果我們都不太動, 肌肉與細胞無法充份燃燒葡萄糖以執行每天活動. 那麼額外的糖就會轉成脂肪. 如果飯後去散步, 部份糖份會燒掉, 我們會感到比較舒服, 繼續工作. 活動後留有越少的糖份, 就不容易轉成脂肪造成我們肥胖, 甚至進一步帶到糖尿病
Becoming a body in motion
Even if you’re wired in some ways to sit, can you become a stand-up person? Absolutely, says Levine. Just as sedentary behavior can change the brain and body to prefer sitting, getting up and becoming more active will prompt you to want to stay in motion. And that can have benefits on productivity and possibly creativity as well, although while the data on the harms of sitting are pretty well documented, the productivity benefits are still anecdotal. But researchers, including Levine, are working on that.
即使你就是喜歡黏在椅子上, 你有辦法變成個站立人嗎? 當然可以~. 久坐不站的姿勢, 會改變腦部與身體, 變成更喜歡坐著. 站起來, 動一動會讓你進一步地更想動. 這對於生產力與創造力是有好處的, 即使坐著的壞處是有資料可茲佐證, 生產力的好處卻沒有具體實驗可證明. 不過, 研究人員, 包括Levine, 正在設計一個相關的實驗(來證明給你看....)
In Rochester, Minn., for example, Levine conducted an experiment with the help of Apple, which donated computers and other supplies, on a School of the Future concept that rethought the classroom model of kids sitting at attention. Instead, the kids stood and moved. Levine and his team strapped sensors to the legs and backs of students to measure their NEAT levels. The students had mobile stations that held their laptops, which they could move around the classroom. Benches let the kids sit when the wanted to, but the default was clearly toward standing and moving.
在明尼蘇達, 羅徹斯特, Levine正在進行一個實驗, 在蘋果電腦與其他供應商的協力下. 一個充滿未來概念的學校, 把上課的概念重新想過, 與其一屋子坐著的孩子, 不如站著, 動來動去. Levine跟他的團隊, 在學生的腳與背放置感應器衡量他們的NEAT指數. 學生們有他們的行動站以便放置或操作他們的電腦, 也能讓他們據以在教室裏移動. 有長椅, 學生累了可以坐下來. 但整個設計都是趨向站立與行動
After two months, the teachers reported that the students took fewer bathroom breaks, engaged in less frivolous movement, and related better to each other. Parents also noticed a difference. They said, almost unbelievable, that their children came home more eager to do homework and less stressed after their day. And what did the NEAT sensors show? The children doubled their activity level compared to when they were in a traditional classroom. Finally, the pioneering students scored up to 20% higher on state standardized tests than they had previously.
兩個月後, 老師的觀察整理, 學生需要上廁所的時次數減少, 彼此的互動更好. 家長也注意到變化. 他們簡直不敢置信. 他們的孩子回到家是更熱切想要做完功課, 而且壓力相對減少. 那麼事先掛在身上的NEAT感應器顯示出什麼結果呢? 跟以前乖乖排排坐聽課相比, 這些孩子的活動量加倍. 最後, 這些種子部隊的學生平均成績表現比之前高出20%
Even if you don’t have the help of Apple or a forward-thinking boss to transform your workplace, there are ways to make yourself get up. For the more ambitious, there’s changing your work station to a standing one (see how one TIME staffer did the same by reading this story). But even simply fielding phone calls on your feet is a good way to start, or pacing while you talk. You could also keep a small glass of water on your desk so you’re inclined to get up more frequently to refill it, taking walks around the office or your home while you’re at it. For the more ambitious, says Levine, urge your colleagues to try standing meetings.
雖然大部份的人沒有蘋果電腦來幫忙, 或那麼有前瞻性的老闆幫我們設想到, 但仍是有些方法讓自己站起來的. 有動的意願, 你的辦公桌可改裝成站立型. 或者, 把電話放到你腳下, 也是個好的開始; 或是講話時走著講. 也可以放一小杯開水在桌上, 你就有機會常站起來要再倒一杯水, 一段時間就在辦公室站起來走一走, 家裏也一樣. 甚至鼓勵同事站著開會....
“By simply changing your work style, from a chair-based work style to a [standing] one, you can burn 500 to 1,000 extra calories a day,” he says. And it’s not just the calories that count. One study found that regardless of how many hours a group of men spent sitting daily (in their cars or watching TV), those with higher fitness levels – which is, of course, a product of regular exercise – did not show an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, the suite of conditions that include obesity and high cholesterol and are associated with a higher risk of heart disease.
只是小小改變一下工作型態, 從坐著變成站著, 一天就可燃燒五百到一千卡洛里喔. 而且還不只是卡洛里. 有一項研究指出, 不管一群人花幾小時每天坐著(不管是開車或看電視), 身材理想的總是那些動得多的人, 而且沒有新陳代謝的困擾, 像肥胖, 高膽固醇, 甚至連到心臟疾病.
How do you turn your sitting day into a standing one? In 2000, Levine addressed the office chair culture head on when he and a colleague raided the Mayo Clinic basement, where old and broken furniture was stored, and with some duct tape and a saw, put together a patient table that could be adjusted for height with a Sears treadmill to make the first treadmill desk. After some number crunching, he figured out that the optimal speed for writing and walking was about 1 mph, so he adjusted the speed of his contraption to keep his fingers and feet moving without falling off the device.
你要怎樣將坐著的日子反轉成站著的日子呢? 2000年, Levine陳述辦公室座椅文化, 當他與同事突襲某個診所地下室, 那裏老舊破損的家具一堆, 膠帶, 鋸子, 病人桌高度可調到跟跑步機一樣高. 那是第一台跑步桌, 經過幾次調整, 找到最適合一邊寫字一邊走路的速度, 每小時一英里. 所以他據此調整, 在這個速度下, 手指與腳能協調運動不會滑落機器.
Now, there are far fancier versions of the treadmill desk that allow you to switch between desk and full treadmill mode (minus the duct tape). And they’re becoming less of an oddity.
改良至今更理想了, 這跑步機能讓你調整桌面與機器的行動模組, 看來更正常
“What we need to do is change the default,” Levine says. “I want us to have to find excuses to be sitting down.” Imagine that. Maybe standing really could be the new sitting.
"我們需要做的是改變缺點." Levine說. "我想要我們必需找出坐下的理由". 想一想這種可能性. 也許站著真地會是新的坐著.
How a DIY Standing Desk Changed My Life
By Katy Steinmetz
Sure, these contraptions can cost hundreds. But they don’t have to
這些玩意兒可能很花錢, 但不見得非得是如此喔
Earlier this year, I toured Silicon Valley to report on the borderline ridiculous things that tech companies are doing for their employees in the name of health. Free juice bars, giant two-person tricycles, on-site . As HR administrators listed off the evils they must fight—stress, work-life imbalance, the draw of corn chips—I probably heard more than anything else about the perils of being on one’s behind for hours at a time.
今年年初, 我到矽谷一遊報告有些科技公司為他們的員工健康著想所做的事. 比方果汁吧台, 三人協力腳踏車, 人力資源專員列出一堆員工會有的惡事, 比方: 壓力, 工作生活失衡, 狂吃薯條...等等...我可能是聽過最多工作過量會有什麼負面效果的人
I was prepared for this assignment to make me feel like a schlub. Because I do not, for instance, meditate to reduce my stress, and I do not bike to work to stay fit. I don’t use vibrating forks to slow my eating speed. And I certainly don’t have a life coach (unless you count lyrics of Janet Jackson songs). But still, I was not prepared to have my chair-using habit held up as the paragon of bad health. That, and the fact that I was doing this terrible thing for roughly a third of my day, made me all the more determined to make a change when the reporting was done.
我準備這項功課讓我覺得自己像個笨蛋. 因為我不是以冥想靜坐在減壓, 我也不騎腳踏車保持身材. 不用電動叉降低我的飲食速度. 我確定不會有生活教練. 但我不準備把我的"坐"習搬到講台公布. 我幾乎一整天有1/3時間在坐.
At companies such as Google, there are tools employees can call upon to minimize their time spent sitting. There are motorized desks that can be adjusted to a standing height. There are treadmill desks on which employees can stroll while pecking at their laptops. There are ergonomics teams one can call in like a SWAT unit to measure all their body parts to make sure the employee is standing as comfortably as possible.
像在Google這樣的公司, 有工具可叫員工減少他們坐下的時間. 他們有電動桌, 可調整到站立的高度. 也有跑步桌, 員工可邊跑步邊看筆電. 有一組專職人體工程學的團隊, 會像特務組一樣衡量身體的各部份確保員工站立與坐時一樣盡可能舒適....
Such is not the case in my San Francisco office, where the average everyday perk is somewhere between all the AAA batteries I could ever want and a very reliable elevator. I didn’t know quite where to start. I wasn’t going to call up my boss and ask if I could expense a $300 desk accessory that would elevate my laptop, and I certainly wasn’t going to inquire about the $1,500 LifeSpan TR1200 treadmill desk—because I would, rightly, be laughed out of print media.
我在檀香山的辦公室就沒那麼好, 唯一的福利就是自行保有精神元氣, 與可信賴的電梯. 我實在也不知該從何開始. 我沒有找老闆要求是否可添購一台$400的可調式辦公桌, 桌面可調高到站立的高度. 更沒打算請求添購一台$1500的電動跑步桌. 因為如果這樣做八成會被媒體業界笑掉大門牙
So I went foraging in the office space. First, I tried putting a chair on my desk, where I would defiantly place my computer in a poetic statement about my refusal to use such office furniture in the conventional way any longer. It was too tall. I tried old boxes, which proved insufficiently sturdy and a giant roll of bubble wrap, which proved very noisy. After attempting to build towers out of differently sized books and old magazines, my eyes finally landed on the glorious solution, sitting there in front of me the whole time: trash cans.
I discovered that two upside-down standard-sized cans were just right for my 15” laptop and my 5’3” frame. To create a sturdy top, I placed an office-warming gift—a framed poster of the state of California—on top. I rolled my office chair into a corner and voila: I had the ugliest low-budget standing desk this side of Jerry Brown.
My first surprise: No more shoes at work. I’m a lady and all, but I wasn’t going to stand for nine hours in the high heels that I have long worn to make my calves more presentable during daily trips to and from the local sandwich shop. Even barefoot, my feet got sore the first few days—and so I bought an anti-fatigue mat. (It’s worth investing in a decent one, like this Imprint number I got from Amazon for $56).
A kind former colleague offered me her Time Inc. brand towel, a black and blue thing that hid my furniture’s true identity but made me look like a dork who decorates her office with on-brand towels. To get more suitable decoration, I took to the local tapestry shop in the Russian Hill neighborhood. In the basement, I dug through remnants of fabric cast off by other buyers and found a lovely gold and black piece that would do the job for $10. And with that my anti-backside experiment was ready to commence.
The results came in quickly. I had more energy throughout the day. I didn’t get sleepy after lunch. My voice projected better on the phone. I could spontaneously break into dance with ease. I found myself taking more trips to the copy room and mailroom because, hey, I was already up, so why minimize my trips? And when I went home to binge-watch Orange Is the New Black, I didn’t feel so guilty for sitting in the evening. I was earning it.
After the standing went on for a few weeks, I permanently rolled my chair out of the office, like a smoker who finally throws away the backup pack. And after a few months, my fiancé was the first to notice that my buns had gotten firmer and my quads were stronger.
I had gone into the project knowing that standing just three hours per day for a year was the equivalent of running 10 marathons, but I hadn’t expected to see actual changes in my body so quickly.
And so here I am, a true stander-and-worker. And I’m never going back.