All Heaven DeclaresAll heaven declares the glory of the risen LordWho can compare with the beauty of the Lord?Forever He will be The Lamb apon the throne I gladly bow the kneeAnd worship Him aloneI will proclaim the glory of the risen LordWho once was slain to reconcile man to GodForever You will be The Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow my knee And worship You alone 諸天宣揚 萬國敬拜與讚美諸天宣揚復活之主的榮耀誰能相比我主聖潔美麗永遠到永遠羔羊已掌權今我歡喜前來向祢屈膝敬拜我要宣揚復活之主的榮耀誰能相比我主聖潔美麗永遠到永遠羔羊已掌權今我歡喜前來向祢屈膝敬拜
All Heaven Declares
All heaven declares the glory of the risen LordWho can compare with the beauty of the Lord?Forever He will be The Lamb apon the throne I gladly bow the kneeAnd worship Him aloneI will proclaim the glory of the risen LordWho once was slain to reconcile man to GodForever You will be The Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow my knee And worship You alone
諸天宣揚 萬國敬拜與讚美