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2010,8月6日 電影上映 被出賣的台灣(Formosa Betrayed)

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2010 8月6日 電影上映 被出賣的台灣

Formosa Betrayed

We must give tribute to all those who helped make this a free country.


In the early 1980s, an FBI Agent is assigned to investigate the murder of a respected professor. Through his investigation, he unearths a spider web of international secrets that has been thriving within college campuses across America for decades.

His investigation takes him across the Pacific to the island nation of Taiwan, where with the help of the outspoken widow and an unlikely spy, he learns that the Professor's killing was not a random act, but a desperate move by a scandalous government intent on keeping its nefarious activities under wraps.

Our detective soon finds himself on a collision course against the U.S. State Department, the Chinese Mafia, and the Nationalist Chinese Government - in a land where the truth is not what it seems and the only people he can trust, cannot be trusted at all. Inspired by actual events

看完電影,走出電影院的心情是非常沉重的,1945年5月宣佈台灣戒嚴,時間長達38年,我們是這樣走過來的,土生土長的台灣人用生命去換取自由。白色恐怖威脅人權(Taiwan White Terror Human Rights)。當時的台灣人危機四伏,就怕一不小心就觸犯不合理的法規,大家都小心翼翼就怕看不見明天的太陽。






Taiwan ≠ China


228 是台灣和平日,在這塊土地上的台灣人,都該追思這一切錯誤帶給我們的傷痛。





台灣不需要中國 但中國需要台灣





黃博士對美國探員解釋台灣人在美國的兇殺案,是為了"殺雞敬猴",警惕台灣人不要再發表任何不利政府的言論,但"殺雞敬猴",的英文是Kill Chiken to Monkey超好笑的,電影院每個人都忍不住笑了出來。只有這段劇情有笑聲,其餘都是充滿緬懷沉重的心情在觀賞。

蔣中正也許對待人民的方式是冷漠的、是錯誤的。 他的霸權是如此的對待台灣人,228的歷史見證所有的一切,恩怨讓我們痛苦。二萬多人都死於不明不白之下,誰能夠忘掉這場歷史的殘酷。台灣人的友善、熱情,在不分彼此是誰,努力為台灣打拚,如今年輕學子將這一切心平氣合的看待,充分表現出友善、熱情,希望能給足台灣國際形象,為台灣的未來更加分。




白色恐怖(Taiwan White Terror )

 At the end of World War II in 1945, the government of the Republic of China assigned Chen Yi, who knew little about Taiwan, as the island's governor-general. Chen brought into Taiwan the Chinese style of hegemony and "rule by man" which resulted in odious policies and discrimination against the local people, not to mention poor ethical behavior by the officials in his administration, a worsening economy, inflation,
and surging unemployment. All of these stoked the general public's discontent with the government.

On Feb. 27, 1947, government agents ignited the public's anger when they accidentally shot and killed an innocent passerby while beating a female vendor who was peddling unlicensed cigarettes. Many people took to the streets the next day, demanding that the government hand over the agents who were responsible for the shooting and beating. The protesters were shot by law enforcement officials, and casualties were reported. The massacre triggered an islandwide revolt.

In order to end the dispute, local leaders formed a settlement committee and called for reform. Chen Yi, who deemed these leaders to be a bunch of bandits and mobsters, called in troops from mainland China to put down the revolt. This move took a heavy toll on the local people's lives and property in the ensuing months and came to be known as the 228 Massacre. The government's follow-up purge operation in the rural areas, and its employment of a "white terror" policy to strengthen the late President Chiang Kai-shek's authoritarian regime undermined social harmony and impeded the country's movement toward democracy.





I come from Taiwan

台灣~~加油!!  Taiwan UP!!

捷克留學生製作介紹台灣的影片 ,一群留學生在捷克唸書(University of Pardubice) ,為了要在National Evening介紹台灣,做出這部宣揚台灣的影片,將台灣的歷史清楚明暸的分享給來自世界各地的學生,做出很棒的國際交流。


台長: Art~Oyster~
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