【溫哥華訊】 世界新聞網 北美華人社區新聞 January 21, 2012
UBC註冊組的柯琳絲(Lisa Collins)向CTV電視台透露︰「我們認為,入學規定考量基礎擴大,將提供我們有關申請學生更豐富的資料。」
理學院學生服務處副主任哈里遜(Paul Harrison)也表示,進入理學院最低平均成績,已從80年代中提高到近年來的90%,但對於一向以數理科稱優的亞裔學生來說並不算困難。哈里遜說,雖然學業成績仍將是申請入UBC的主要考量,但校方正著手努力,以確保不會錯失值得收進學校的學生。
個人資料檔案幾年來一直都是卑詩大學商學院(Sauder School of Busniess)考量的一個要項,不過有接受訪問的商學院學生說,他們懷疑,有些同學為了進入該學院,在申請函中造假,謊稱參加過其實並未參與的課外活動。
Good grades won't be the only way into UBC
By: ctvbc.ca
Date: Saturday Jan. 21, 2012 7:20 PM PT
High grades will no longer be the only path to admission at the University of B.C., now that the school will also begin to consider personal profiles written by high school students.
The new admissions procedure, which the school is set to announce next week, will require students to describe the challenges they've faced as well as their leadership and teamwork skills.
"We think that the broader-based admission process will give us a lot richer information about who our applicants are," Lisa Collins of UBC Enrolment Services told CTV News.
Paul Harrison, the associate dean of student services for the Faculty of Science, says that the minimum average grade to get into the faculty has risen from the mid-80s to about 90 per cent in recent years. While academic achievement will still be the main consideration for applicants to UBC, Harrison says the school is trying to make sure it doesn't miss out on worthy students.
"The kinds of skills and behaviours that will lead to success in university are not necessarily reflected for everybody in their high school grades," he said.
At UBC's Sauder School of Business, personal profiles have been a requirement for several years. Some business students who spoke with CTV News said they suspect some classmates padded their applications to get in, lying about extracurriculars they didn't participate in.
UBC officials say they will be beefing up their screening procedures to weed out the cheaters.
"We do have mechanisms to catch them," Collins said. "They need to provide references who can verify what it is they've listed on their personal profile. We do random checking of those applications to verify information."
She added that if lies are uncovered, the student responsible will not be admitted to UBC.
The new procedure starts this year for all September undergraduate applications.
With a report from CTV British Columbia's Mi-Jung Lee
CTV 電視台報導: http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20120120/bc_ubc_admissions_changes_120120/20120120?hub=BritishColumbia