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When It's Time

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Green Day-When It's Time

專輯:American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording

作詞、作曲:Green Day

words get trapped in my mind
sorry i don't take the time to feel the way i do
cause the first day you came into my life
my time tickes around you
but then i need your voice
as the key to unlock all the love that's trapped in me
so tell me when it's time
to say i love you
all i want is you to understand
that when i take you take your hand
it's cause i want to
we are all born in a world of doulbt
but there 's no doulbt
i figured out
i love you
all i want is you to understand
that when i take your hand it's cause i want to
we are all born in a world of doulbt
but there 's no doulbt
i figured
i love you
and i feel lonely for
all the loser that will never take the time to say
what was really on their mind instead
they just hide a way
yet they'll nver have
some one like you to guard them and help along the way
or tell me when it's time
to say i love you
so tell me when it's time
to say i love you

台長: Shalott
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 無限的思緒 |
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