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Missing You

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Green Day-Missing You


Lyricist:Billie Joe Armstrong

Composer:Green Day


Waking up, feeling naked
In my clothes
Inside a room that's vacant

Lost my nerve
It's un-nerving
I know there is something I'm forgetting..

I searched the moon
I lost my head
I even looked under the bed
I punched the walls
I hit the street
I'm pounding the pavement looking

I'm missing you
I'm missing you
You're not around
And I'm a complete disaster!
I'm missing you

Remember, was the first time
I told you I loved you at the bus station
Don't forget, cause it's not over
I'm not lost cause I'm just missing you

I searched the moon
I lost my head
I even looked under the bed
I punched the walls
I hit the street
I'm pounding the pavement lookin'

I'm missing you
I'm missing you
You're not around
And I'm a complete disaster!
I'm missing you

Say hey!

Well she's my blood
Well she's my soul
I get so lost out in the cold
Feels so far
Like this lone star
It gets so hard
When I'm missing you

I'm missing you
I'm missing you
You're not around
And I'm a fucking disaster!
I'm missing you

You have been on my mind.

台長: Shalott
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