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2017-01-02 09:34:29| 人氣1,312| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Lay It Down Slow

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Spiritualized-Lay It Down Slow

專輯:Amazing Grace

Lyricist、Composer:Jason Pierce

If you got dreams in your heart
Why don't you share them with me?
And if dreams don't come true
I'll make sure that you're nightmares are through

If you got pain in your heart
Why don't you share it with me?
And we'll just wait and see
If it's half what it used to be

And lay it down slow, lay it down free
Lay it down easy but lay it on me

If you've got love in your heart
Why don't you keep it with mine?
I can't promise a miracle
but I'll always be trying

And lay it down slow, lay it down free
Lay it down easy but lay it on me
Lay it down easy, lay it on me
Lay it down easy but lay it on me


台長: Shalott


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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 無限的思緒 |
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