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2011-10-14 09:34:51


下雨的時候,為了避免小賤跑出去淋雨,弄得髒兮兮, 都只能把她關在籠子裡。 被關著的小賤,只要看到有人經過,就會喵喵叫或是跳上跳下,裝無辜。 好不容易放晴了,她似乎又嫌天氣太熱,只肯在摩托車上睡大頭覺...

2011-10-11 09:39:25


在陰天的朦朧裡, 一切都如幻影一般....移動的腳步在影子裡消失,對戲的台詞正在切斷一步步的過去。直視前方的注視,長久以來沒有追尋的目標,也沒有最終的等待。歲月用改變的空虛蓋住了倦眼,當雙眼甦醒後,便有了遼...

2011-10-02 10:21:48


James Blunt-1973專輯:All the Lost Souls(失落的靈魂)Simona You're getting older Your journey's been Etched on your skin. Simona Wish I had know that What seemed so strong Has been and gone. I would cal...

2011-10-02 10:19:10

You are beautiful

James Blunt-You are beautiful專輯:Back To Bedlam(不安於室)My life is brilliant My love is pure I saw an angel Of that I'm sure She smiled at me on the subway She was with another man But I won't lose ...

2011-09-25 09:50:18



2011-09-19 09:13:50

Tears And Rain

James Blunt-Tears And Rain(淚水與雨水)專輯:Back To Bedlam(不安於室)How I wish I could surrender my soul;Shed the clothes that become my skin;See the liar that burns within my needing.How I wish I'd ch...

2011-09-19 09:09:31

Same mistake

James Blunt-Same mistake(重蹈覆轍)專輯:All the Lost Souls(失落的靈魂) Saw the world turning in my sheetsand once again I cannot sleepWalk out the door and up the streetlook at the stars beneath my fee...

2011-09-19 09:04:35


James Blunt-high 專輯:Back To Bedlam(不安於室)Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.There is nothing else in the world,I'd rather wake up and see (with you).Beautiful dawn - I'm just chasing tim...

2011-09-15 10:28:35


這是正在吃草的小賤 「唰、唰、唰」~聽見聲音耳朵豎起來了 衝過來了 喂,你衝過頭了 在庭院陪小賤的時候,想讓小賤活動一下的話,就可以用這竹子版的逗貓棒跟他玩。 雖然是竹子,牠也可以玩的...

2011-08-22 16:25:13


某天的早晨,小賤突然跳上了這塊石頭 並在上面待了很久不都下來,也不動 要下來 又停格 偶爾換個姿勢後又不動了,連我叫她吃飯都不理我 於是就把牠這種行為,取名為小賤的雕像遊戲。(小賤心中可能...

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