017【聊聊夢想 Talking about dreams -Mia】
Mia 說:無論最後夢想完成多少,走在夢想的路上本身就是一件很幸福的事。她的經驗是,夢想會帶領生命前進,然後驀然回首,每一個點滴都如此值得珍惜,生命是如此的充滿恩典、沒有遺憾。
It's a happiness things that you can do the
things you like(process) , no matter what happen in the end (result) - says by
Dream is a things will lead our life toward
and move on ,every process is like a treasure let us feel appreciate and
without any regret ,when you looking back . in her experienced
例如:成為一位社工師,服務弱勢家庭。漸漸的發現問題總是處理不完,她渴望從內在影響人們,由問題的內在根源做工,於是到澳洲進行兩年的working holiday,成為身心靈平衡工作者。她喜歡在生活的每一個當下往內看見自己,例如她曾在回應身心的需求下剃光頭,她看見自己的情緒起伏,但她選擇去經驗,去經驗有些人看待不同髮型的她的不同眼光,也去經驗自己心裡的每個感受,在這樣的經驗裡學習著無論外在人事物如何變化,自己都能記得內在那個不變的本質。
for example :
To be a social worker service vulnerable
family ,But she found there still have a lot of problem that is very deep from
human's heart , so she apply a working holiday visa to become a Mind Body
Balance in Australia .
She likes to explore herself in every life
moment .She chose to experience what life gives to her , she shave the whole
head to response her heart require, to feel and to see from others and herself
.She could feel her float ,and she choose to learn through, to remember her
original intention ,whatever happens .
Mia 是一位靈性按摩師,她目前正在進行的夢想是打造一個空間,透過身心靈課程,協助更多人好好陪伴及看見自己的美好,活出自己的樣子,將自己帶到這世界的光發揮出來,讓這世界勇敢做夢、勇敢圓夢的人越來越多,讓世界充滿更多愛與希望。
Mia is a heart body balance masseur , she
has a dream to built a space to help people to see and to hear the sounds from
their heart .She hoped thereby to convey the love and hope of this world ,
encourage people to trust themselves be brave to dream .
Mia 的BLOG (Mia's blog) :彩虹光-幸福紀實
Mia 的 Facebook (Mia's FB): https://www.facebook.com/mia.tsai.3950