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2004-10-02 16:14:38| 人氣411| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

傳奇的青年旅館Arch View Hostel

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這位就是傳奇的拱門旅館(Arch View)主人吉姆,他年輕時也是背著背包周遊列國。這個青年旅館也是在Bob Dylan來這兒開演唱會時,城裡唯一有空床位的旅館。不過這是有原因的:因為這家旅館實在是太...不適合人類居住了。每次我跟酒吧認識的朋友說我住在Arch View,他們都會露出不可置信的表情,然後開始偷笑。「你真的住在那兒啊?』因為這裡是街頭表演者的大本營,房租便宜,24小時都有人在練樂器、作曲、唱歌,對我這種音樂迷來說根本就是天堂!不過樓下的抽煙室可是出了名的"煙霧瀰漫",就是大麻蒸氣室啦,剛到時還不知道,在裡面趕稿,結果一會兒大腦就被麻痺了,一步一步爬出來。後來搬出去跟馬克同居後,才從舊室友口中得知,我住的那張床是床蝨(Bed bug)的大巢穴!他很好奇我怎麼沒事,只有一條手臂被咬。因為前一個住那張床的女生已經被咬到住院了!整間旅館也被迫休業除蟲。這真是...酷斃了的經驗!

The owner of Arch View Hostel, my second home in Galway after Kinlay house. Jim himself has been dozens of countries by backpacking and now takes care of this contestable hostel, full of young musicians from everywhere in the world. Violinist from France, Jazz singer from Czech, gutarist from North Ireland and so on. Really cool people. I get to enjoy free concerts every now and then for I live with those buskers!! But don't forget the bedbugs. They've got a girl who's been bitten so bad that she had to live in hospital for weeks. An unforgettable memory anyway. And legendary landlord Jim.

台長: gillianchang
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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