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2009-11-08 17:01:37| 人氣160| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

a month of loving

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:::a gift a day:::

1. Muji Belt
    You always want this and luckily you thought it's out of stock

2. The ''26'' Twisted Egg Sign
    Just saw sb making her own pattern on this little sign, so I  also handmade one for you.  Small but a gift with time and thoughts.hehe

3. Dirty Clothes Bag
    Simply a nice couple bag for travel

4. Cheese Cake
    Handmade cake with my love

5. Phone String
    Always wanna find one for you but it's hard. haha..while i saw this one to be the most suitable style for you

6. Muji Boxer 1
    Not the boxer I planned to buy originally but I heard you say you wanna buy it one day suddenly.

7. Muji Boxer 2
    Hehe...can't find another present that I planned so..make it into 2 presents..hehe

8. Vaseline
    I remember you once asked me where I got my blue box, so I esp asked Billy's friend to buy it for you from long long way in UK.

9. Tooth Brush
    Supposed it is not one of the choices but I saw its color so nice so i got it for you.

10. Agnes b Cup
     You know I wanna intrude into your home with all my stuff hehe, so get you many home appliances and this is one of them.

11. Calendar
     Saw you having one on your desk and helped you updated with my reminders inside (have you noticed? hehe)

12. Wallpaper
     Another tools to intrude into your home..kekeke

13. Water-resist Camera Bag
     Shopping around for your gifts and saw a water-resist camera but with bad quality, so quickly get online and search a better one.

14. A Tee
     You always say you haven't bought any clothes for long so I helped you get new ones...hehe

15. A little Pinky Bag
     Just saw this at the Tee shop and I think it's nice.

16. Mini Cooper USB
     Of coz I remember this and rushed to buy, worrying that it'll be out of stock haha

17. Little Towel
     Well..apart from your desk, I also need to intrude into your toilet with new toothbrush and new towel ...too bad I couldn't find the nice cup for brushing teeth and you just got some new bath towel from IKEA

18. Raw Shrimps
     Have to be fresh and I have to get on time to meet you. It's a gift that I dun like you to have but I think you'll love it haha

19. Notebook
     Actually I just remember you like one of the books in this shop but I couldn't remember clearly which it is. hahaha

20. Name Card Holder
     You got your 1st name card so of coz you should get your 1st name card holder hehe

21. Snacks
     I know you are not that interested in that but I dun want you to always get hungry in office so helped you refill in your stocks

22. Tomato Soup (Chicken Broth)
     Hehe just wanna get some food that you like

23. Agnes b pen
     Simply because you love it

24. Underwear
     We always love this but never tried if they are fit so now they're perfect for you

25. Vitamin C
     Haha again just refill your stock and wanna keep you healthy and most important I wanna remind you how much I want you to be healthy and happy

26. Tomato and Cheese
     Tasty thing we always love to eat

27. Film
     Actually wanna give you use during our Russia Trip but you bought them yourself so have to postpone giving you haha

28. Socks
     You gave me a pair for Xmas present before so I give you one pair back..hehe

29. Muji Pillowcase
     Though you like another pattern, the material is not as good as the one I gave you. Have you thought of me when you are lying on it?

30. Lego Key Holder
     I saw yours dirty and ruined so good chance to intrude into your home again..keke

31. Hand Pad for Mouse
     Actually I've made 3 to try but I think this is best though you thought is too high..anyway I want you to have good health again

32. Bottle with my designated numbers
     The number paper seems to be a bit childish but they make you use your brain and guess...hehe..hope you like this idea

from 2 Oct to 2 Nov....celebrating our 2nd anniversary

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Thank you so much for what u did, it's really touching and full of sweetness and happiness.

I esp luv ur sum see and u spent time on thinking the gifts. That's what im really appreciated hehe.
2009-11-08 17:23:57
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