阿丸: hello
阿丸: hi,Bond
BOND: hai
BOND: asl plz
BOND: your name plz
阿丸: no
阿丸: momo
阿丸: my name is momo
阿丸: :D
BOND: good name
BOND: from
阿丸: Taiwan :D
阿丸: & u?
BOND: i am amit
阿丸: what is amit?
BOND: my name is amit
阿丸: O..
阿丸: where are u from?
BOND: india
阿丸: wow
BOND: r u m/f
阿丸: fim,& u ?
BOND: male
BOND: where is your business?
阿丸: student....& u???
BOND: i am
阿丸: ?
BOND: i am student
阿丸: oh~how old?
BOND: in LL.B (law)
BOND: 25
BOND: & u
阿丸: 16
阿丸: colleger?
BOND: class
BOND: can i look you
阿丸: OK↓
阿丸: but i cannt see u
BOND: pla on your cam
阿丸: i havent cam,but ihave pic
阿丸: ?
阿丸: i cannt see u
阿丸: ?
BOND: ok
BOND: yaa
阿丸: ???
BOND: i send photos
阿丸: send to?
阿丸: @@???
阿丸: u??
阿丸: this is u?
BOND: no
阿丸: ?
阿丸: is who?
阿丸: which one is u?
BOND: on this is my friend
阿丸: isn’t U?
BOND: i am
阿丸: = =
阿丸: is u..?!
BOND: you see my poto?
阿丸: yeah
阿丸: r u sure u just a student
BOND: yaa
BOND: student in sex
阿丸: gzze
阿丸: Oh my god...
阿丸: i feel disinclined for see u photos
BOND: reyali
阿丸: what is reyali?
BOND: not good poto?
阿丸: yes
阿丸: because i donnt like
BOND: you dont like sex
BOND: ok
BOND: i donnt send poto?
阿丸: OK
BOND: i am sorry have to go
BOND: i chat neksht time
BOND: my mail adres is ( boondbond@yahoo.co.in)
BOND: you mail me
BOND: ok
阿丸: ?
BOND: your mail addres
阿丸: sweet791007@hotmail.com
BOND: ok
BOND: i mail you
阿丸: you want mail me what????
BOND: you sent your poto? and chating time
阿丸 : i donnt have poto can send u = =
新職業 **student in sex**
註*BOND是某女優 它朋友芭 那是他第一次跟我說的名子
沒辦法貼他照片上來,太SEX了 sorry
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