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2008-12-21 00:47:47| 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

for U

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do U know?

i miss U sooooo much!!!

i can not think tonight will receive Ur calls
let me very pleasantly surprised and happy

since U went to far only a few days,i am at a loss.

probably because  U  R not in my side.

everyday i used to study all in order to in the distance U need not be so worried i.

i will remember every word U say and what we have done everything.
that's my most memorable and happiest time.
now we can only wait for better times after.
 U come back before we can use, such as letters and contact Ur phone.
i will have 100 times more effort in the face of life .
and U work harder,too.
i love U!



台長: fannyfun
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