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2009-07-24 21:46:13| 人氣473| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Samantha Jade(莎曼珊潔德) - Turn Around

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Is it me or did we agree to love?      是我還是我們同意相愛
tell me why I don't feel we got enough.    請告訴我為什麼我總覺得我們得到的不夠多 

it's you but what about me?       是因為你的原因還是因為我?

it seems like you live a life without me.     感覺我並不在你的生活裡 

everything seems to have your time but us ,     所有的事情只有時間沒有彼此之間

my space in your heart is closing up     在你心理我能存在的空間正在關閉 

and the place where your picture's hanging ,      而在那個空間裡有著你的照片掛著

 is the only time you're with me.       那是唯一一個時間你和我在一起


don't leave me out here all alone -oh no.      不要離開我只留下我一個人

I'm still right here where'd you go      無論你去哪我都在你身邊 

Please just look around ,      看看你周圍


don't you feel something missing?      難道你不覺得你有什麼東西不見了嗎? 

I'm the one you promised you would love (you promised) ,     你承諾過你會愛我

 but you got ahead so far away      但你卻在離我那麼遠的地方 

while I'm holding on , please turn around ,     我擁抱著你 請妳回頭看看我

 I see you but i don't feel you 但我看見你卻感受不到你

can't get your attention to save my love ,     得不到你的注意來挽救我的愛情

look back and see me now     現在請回頭看看我

don't let me down please turn around    請別讓我失望 轉過身吧

I think I musta gave too much ,      我想一定是我給的太多

cause I felt that the road was getting rough       因為我感受到這條路越來越艱難 

suddenly I felt lonley out here ,     突然我覺得寂寞

I look beside me to find you're not there      看看四周 發現你不在我身邊

said you would love and protect me ,        你說過你會愛我、你會保護我

all I have are the words you left me ,   我得到的只是你留下來的那些話

Here I stand with the plan in my head    我站在著有些想法在我腦中

This cant be the kinda love that you said     這種愛情並不像你所說的那樣

dont leave me out here all alone no no no no ,      別離開我剩我一個人   不 不 不

I'm still right here where'd you go        無論你在哪我都會在你身邊

If you only see the tears I'm crying on my pillow.       如果你只看見我趴在枕頭上哭泣

that doesnt compare to what your doing to my soul      那根本無法比較你對我的心靈所做的傷害

dont you even know that im in need of love    你根本就不知道我有多需要你的愛

I'm callin you but you dont seem to hear a thing     我呼喊著你 你卻似乎什麼也沒聽見

I'm losing you now    我現在正在失去你

turn around. yea , just turn around.   轉過身吧 嗯 就轉過身吧

turn around.whoa , yeah eh look around baby     親愛的轉過身看看吧




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