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2010-09-18 08:29:29| 人氣798| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The early joyful expeling in the morning

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There`s one phrase:”the better beginning is the half of success”, we have to view our life with our smile, expel the toxin from kidney is the first thing of the day whether you want to drink water or go to the lavatory first, there`s nothing special if taking off underwear and pants and sit on the toilet. Like me even take off the coat too, sit on the toilet and sing songs with the word “la~la~la~” while strumming my electric jazz guitar. The reason I want to do so is expel the stools into the toilet joyfully, when the last stool expelled, ”ah~~” how comfortable it (the life) is, and then I can start this day happily.

台長: 搖堯
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