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2010-01-30 02:26:33| 人氣128| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

sleep = wonderful :D

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hey!! if you're wondering why im blogging at 2 am, well, its because i went to sleep first and then woke up at midnight to do hw. and if you're wondering. why in the world would you wake up at midnight to do hw? why can't you just do it tomorrow morning? well, here's your answer: i can't work in mornings lol

anywayyy, today was interesting.

english. everyone's stories were sooo good!!! except mine. cause i don't think mine was scary. mine was just mysterious and shocking and suspenseful and mentally disturbing with a strange twist at the end, but its not scary. i dont even know the definition of scary anymore, after doing this assignment. just hope woodward accepts it. at the very least, i just hope he appreciates my descriptions.

PE LOL was fun. floor hockey again, same teams as last time, but enoka didn't help us this time. and i gotta say: if you thought that goalie and defender had similar jobs that required similar skills, well, you're WRONG. cause i SUCK at being goalie, but am good at defending. its because my eyes are bad and my reactions not fast enough. plus my goggles kept fogging up, so i couldn't see the puck at all. lol and i was trying to get time in zone. kinda annoyed wendy s by switching with her to defend often so i could get tiz. SORRY WENDY!!!!!!! but it was still fun though

math was ok. more logarithms. dont get anything. blehhh

habitat meeting at lunch!!!!!! :D:D our team looks cool and i was so surprised that purple actually got chosen as our bandana color !!! because its my fav. color and so far on the 2 previous h4h trips ive been to, no one would even think of purple. im sooo happy!!! :D lol i realy really hope they don't change it back to blue or something...

ohh and today for once, i didn't bring home lunch. ok so when i went to teh meeting i forgot that i didnt bring it, so i looked into my bag for my lunch and couldnt find it and remembered and by then it was too late. so i didnt eat lunch today. 

turned in my nhs app after meeting. heh hope woodward doesn't mind that i filled it out in pencil and i taped my paragraph to the sheet lol i know im very messy.

stomach growling in apush lol . watched a video :D:D fell asleep XD

oh yeah and after school, symphony LOL i like star wars main theme :D:D but because we JUST got our music today, so i was uber bad at it lol (im very very bad at sightreading) but i actually had a reason ;) 1812 was sooo fast XD my arms were falling off. LOL i wonder how the winds/brass managed.

OMG next tuesday: test day again.

apush multiple choice
math quiz
fit or fat (argh i really hate it when pe decides to chou re nao lol if you even got that ,by putting this extra quiz in when i have everything else!) 

swimming next thursday blehh

wanted to go watch apac swimming today but noo, we had to finish our games. 

anyway, have a great weekend!!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahhhhhh grapes of wrath T.T

frances =3

台長: frances
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me too!

I suck at being goalie D:

but I think I'm better at whatyoucallit defending (:
all the guys who do soccer are really good at being goalie though!

I love floor hockey

it's like:

1. floor hockey
2. indoor soccer
3. ultimate frisbee

that's because our team sucks at frisbee lol, so hard to control everything RAWR RAWR RAWR 8D

I can't wait for swimming - sort of, I always get so much tiz -> I'M BURNING LOTS OF FAT -> I'M GETTING SKINNIER 8D


plus getting out of the warm shower always puts me in an uber good mood,
like I feel like I'm giving out heat when I come out and I feel all warm and fuzzy LOL

sigh me blabbing on your blog again

the only thing I hate about swimming is that
you see all the black puddles and footprints because ppl's feet are all dusty and dirty

I always go OPFMV ()UWR(*@&*^%*&#Y*

that's disgusting,

oh and I hate changing,
and when my clothes accidentally fall on the wet floor
and they have like black dirty stains on them

or maybe it's just my imagination



I want to get into C C C C C C C
totally chill class.

okay frances I'm spamming your wall byebye.


2010-01-30 11:49:29
lol the only reason why i dont like swimming is because it takes an uber long time to change back and stuff. but other than that its ok.
lol my teams always are bad because im in it but i still think all the games are fun :D:D:D
2010-01-30 18:48:10
i like your posts, they are sooo long (:
2010-01-30 14:24:53
hahaha thanks :)
2010-01-30 18:48:25
duude, swimming is BAD LOL HAHAH.
sigh your posts are so long. BUT I LIKE PURPLE TOO WO DE FAVORITE YAN SE :) HEHE
hahhahaha grapes of wrath...you'll be feeling lots of wrath and frustration as you annotate that book :)
2010-01-30 22:05:54
oh yeah i was about to tell maureen the same thing but i didn't want to dash her hopes lol
XD it always just ends up that long. i dunno how i even come up with all the stuff to talk about
i already am feeling lots of wrath and frustration, thank you lol and im only on chapter 4 T.T
2010-01-30 22:19:26
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