:D so its day 1/A today :) and my day 1 is usually very light and relaxed
first was study hall :D wanted to relax and play cards and stuff (that's my definition of productive in study hall: being relaxed and de-stress) but everyone else either had flex or hw. and the counselor came in, so i completed 2 study plans. 1 for AP and 1 for IB. i stilll havent decided which one to take yet, so i made 2:D and then i didnt bring my earphones so i couldn't watch anime :( but oh well.
later i was like: i was soo unproductive....
betty: what did you do?
me: made 2 study plans.
betty: that's productive!!
me: not for me (explain to her my definition of "productive in study hall" )
betty: oh well. if vanessa was here, she could have been "productive" with you XDD
and then was chinese class. but before chinese, i learned of teh news of haiti recently suffering from a great earthquake. even though im not Christian, I pray for them. I hope for their best and will donate when the service groups come into my homeroom (if im not broke).

i realized that chinese class is always so deep. like our teacher talks about like how we should seize opportunities, and learn to save the world and learn about the human brain and how it works and how it relates to our future and now and stuff.. cause our teacher is part psychologist so i think thats one reason why.
and then it was bio. lol in bio all we did was study for the test and do some review.
oh yeah and then it was NHS meeting. T.T im never gonna make it in....the selection process is so strict. oh wells. no matter what, me and maureen are still gonna start our club :D:D
btw, maureen. if you are reading this. i discussed with sharon, sherry and bella and they all want to join and be officers :) and we can be co-presidents together cause it was our idea.. but anyway, we're deciding to meet with mr. kidd next tuesday after school is that ok?? lol thanks :):)
hahahhahaha orchestra was funny
we had a sub so yolanda led us. thank god sam's in iho lol iknow im mean but seriously, i dont like sam leading us. yolanda is way better cause she doesnt exactly care XDDD
afterwards, we all got so bored we all started playing jingle bells XDD its amazing how some poeple still have it memorized. but i do want christmas to come back XD
oh and after school amac was supposed to meet up in mr. gran's room to make action figures together. but only 4 people showed, and NONE of the officers showed. and since mr. gran was busy with a play or something, we just fooled around. lol i went on facebook for the first time in ages and tried playing typing maniac again but unlike my younger self, i am so much worse. im gonna blame it on the mac lol
drat math test tomorrow. and i got so much chinese hw today T.T why is this school trying to kill us.
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