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2010-01-19 15:41:04| 人氣49| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

highs and lows, jan 19

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today was a high-low day. it started off low and then slowly got higher :)

ok first i had english. and i just have to say FMLFML FML ASDLFASKBHACKJVZXKCLJVLZXKBCXCJBIEW#290t2t237t931q8(!#*#!()T$@U


my english grade is completely screwed over

i thought it was super unfair. how we dont get any resources to study for it. and then we read it BEFORE the weekend, so of course we're bound to forget stuff.
and i tried looking for it online, but then all i found was the plot summary of the whole book and in class since we read only a section,  i didnt know what we needed to know and stuff.
and the quiz was like 10 true and false queestions. totally useless, unrelated to the main idea of the story. who is supposed to remember those itsy bitsy teeny weeny tiny lousy details taht dont even matter?! and plus, the other class got a photocopy!!-says wendy and maureen. yes it was someone from their classes' idea...but i feel like its such an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE for them UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH

btw, dont take this personallyy anyone im just really realyy mad at english. i need to spaz to something.

but then we got 2 major assignments, plus grapes of wrath. if we do well on those, it will pull my grade up. i know . im gonna remain optomistic and start actually working hard in english.

ok PHEW thats over


AFTer english was PE and today was totally the best PE class ever!!! LOL we played ultimate frisbee outside and there was huge wind today so the frisbees flew everywhere XDD

ohh and it was so funny cause our game was super light and all girls, so we just fooled around after enoka left XDD

funny moment. ok so you know how ultimate frisbee is like football where you score by passing the ball or frisbee to your teammate whos standing on the other side of the endline and they catch it?

WELL, anyway,

today, lauren was standing behind the endline, and cassie was perhaps only 2 feet away and was about to pass the frisbee to lauren when christy stepped in between them dramatically and screamed out NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lauren and cassie looked at christy, and then a second later cassie was like: here lauren. and passed the frisbee to her easily. XDDDD christy was so cute :D

AND then our team tried so many times to score, but then something was against us at first and no one would catch it lol and right after mr. enoka left, we started to score big time XDD cassie could never get the frisbee to lauren with the wind taking it away, so we basically just scored all the time. XDDDDDD and we laughed through the whole game.
at the end of PE, everyone else on the other teams were so sweaty and had super red faces and we're all like LOL they were so serious. we just fooled around. XD

math was ok. got lots of study guides:D but then i have a test next class. T.T gotta study

apush was funny. LOL mr. cook cracked many jokes today and it was pretty light lecture. but we have an essay test next monday T.T gottta study for that too.

LOL so yes i had totally a high and low day today XD

wow my blog posts always turn out to be unnaturallly long. sorry had to make yyou read all that (if you did lol)

need to start studying.


ps. my photos mishmash pt. 2, my winter break photos, and my winter formal photos will come soon LOL

台長: frances
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hahas i agree! :D
ah i will blog abt it when i have free time too tonight/tmr hahas (:
2010-01-19 18:42:41
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