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2006-06-20 16:35:13| 人氣187| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Benefits of Dreaming

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  The high technology changes with each passing day now. As the physical life is better and better, city people also become more and more melancholy. They almost forget that how to have a dream, even they were dreaming children once. They complain that their life never changes. For this reason, many people step on a road to breakage. Having dreams is an important thing. Maybe dream of traveling round the world or becoming a super star or others. If we have dreams, we will get the power to do everything we want to do it. Where there is the power, there are the hopes. Dreaming helps us relax and forgetting unhappy things. As far as I am concerned, I dream all the time. Perhaps I am unlucky nowadays, but I believe that everything will be all right and tomorrow will be full of sunshine.

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