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2006-06-20 16:29:17| 人氣181| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Successful Person

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  A successful person is one who has patience and the capacity for magnanimity. He never gives up when he faces the troubles and he won’t make him down when he fails. He would hold onto every successful possibility; he always takes a chance on the way pointing to the future.
  If you would like to be such a person, you may do as follows. To start with, you should cultivate your mind by reading. Learning how to be calm is an important thing. In the next place, never boggle when the difficulty seems insurmountable. There are always ups and downs in life. You should not lose your faith. You must believe that you will overcome the problems and you can make the successes. Following the sentences, you would be a successful person.


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