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porada — 生命裡最美的火花,GQ Taiwan 專訪《築硯》創辦人 James Liang

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porada — 生命裡最美的火花,GQ Taiwan 專訪《築硯》創辦人 James Liang

porada- the most beautiful sparkle in our life

GQ Taiwan interview of James Liang, the founder of "Juyan Group".


GQ Taiwan JUNE 2017 NO.249

影像提供:築硯國際 採訪:Andrea Chiu
Image Provided
Juyan Group 
Andrea Chiu


大夢想家華特迪士尼曾說:「If you can dream it, you can do it.」,而築硯正是一個勇於用夢想實踐生活哲學的團隊。


The quote from the famous dream maker, Walt Disney: “If you can dream it, you can do it.”. Juyan Group, the team with great courage, is trying to make their dream come true.


築硯係由創辦人James Liang2009年成立於台灣,不過生活美學對James的呼喚,早在他求學時期便深植於心中,一直以來James的夢想便是讓和他一樣對設計、對居家有熱情的人,能在同一個舞台裡向夢想尋去。因而,築硯誕生了!「築」即為建築之意,築硯意圖從01建構起生活的本質;「硯」字則蘊含著James的人文思維,因為在前往美好生活的路上,心靈的風景才更值得追求。


Juyan Group was established in 2009 in Taiwan by James Liang. The idea of “Beauty of Living” imprinted in his heart since he was a student. James builds a stage and gather people who have same passion in design and deco. Then, here is Juyan.


In Chinese, “JU” means architecture, and we would like to tell people that Juyan is able to construct your life style from none to everything. “YAN” represents James’s basic thought. It is one of study treasures in Chinese, “inkstone”. By thousands of friction to create the ink on inkstone, it is like that Juyan will taste your dream carefully and chew it over and over again. Eventually, we make your dream come true.




過去六十多年來一直專注在自身設計與工藝的porada,早就是設計師與建築師們心中木製家具的首選品牌;甚而,日本人稱它是「世界上最美的家具」、歐洲人亦給它「賦予家具靈魂」的最高榮耀。James更提到,在英國porada是代代相傳的家具,即便建築設計與空間會隨著時代而改變,但porada同樣與時俱進地持續推出符合時代潮流的設計,加上time less的質感工藝,讓這些追求頂級生活居家品質的品味人士們依舊將此品牌做為購買傢俱的首選。


In past 60 years, “porada” dedicates to product design and craft. It is the first priority when designers and architects mention to wood furniture. Furthermore, Japanese admire porada as “The most beautiful furniture in the world”. European gives the greatest honor to porada and describes it, “The furniture with soul”. In England, people will even keep their porada furniture and leave to next generation.


Although the design and space keep changing by the time, porada still stands here and improve itself continuously. Besides, porada is a the first choice to people who chase high-quality life style because of its timeless quality and craft.



台長: 築硯美學
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