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夾著公文包的少女 匆匆橫過

斑馬線 走過竄出冷氣的咖啡館

書報亭 她的側影在一家高級時裝店
的櫥窗前停了下來 佇步凝神

櫥窗裡有一個石膏模特兒 它的
側面輪廓 與她極其相似

扣了扣玻璃窗 好像扣一扇門

沒有人注意 沒有人知道她
是否走進 那個假想的空間裡去了


胡的清生于湖南常德,現居珠海。中國作家協會會員。著有詩集《月的眼》(1991)、《有些瞬間令我生痛》(1996) 、《夢的裝置》(2000) 、《与命運拉鉤 》(2005) 及儿童詩集《童年巴士》(2004)。

A Display Window
by Hu Di-Qing

pushing her way down the upper deck of the bus
the girl with a black briefcase hastily crosses

the street after passing the coffeeshop spurting out whitish air
the department store with a big sale sign and the bookstand

with all kinds of hanging pictures she pauses
in front of a display window of a fashion shop staring

at a model of plaster whose sideview bears
a striking resemblance to her

she knocks at the thick heavy windowpane
knocking at it as if at a door

no one notices no one knows if she ever enters
the hypothetical space

(Translated by William Marr)

[About the Author]

Hu Diqing was born in Hunan, China. The author of five books of poems and a member of the Chinese Writers Association. she now lives in Zhuhai, China.

English Translation published in The Pedestal Magazine (Issue 35, Aug.21-Oct. 21, 2006)

台長: 非馬
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