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Batch Cooking Tips, Tricks, and 25 Recipes - Shelf Cooking


arrange UK 
 /əˈreɪndʒ/ B2 verb
to put a group of objects in a particular order:
She arranged her birthday cards along the shelf.她把生日卡在架子上擺成一排。
array UK 
 /əˈreɪ/ verb
to arrange a group of things in a particular way:
A large number of magazines were arrayed on the stand.報攤上擺放著很多雜誌。
display UK 
 /dɪˈspleɪ/ B1 verb
to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public:
Family photographs were displayed on the wall.牆上掛著家人的照片。
set UK 
 /set/ B2 verb UK
to give someone a piece of school work or homework to do:
My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.我的科學課老師總是安排很多功課。
dress UK 
 /dres/ verb
to decorate a shop window, usually with an arrangement of goods:
They're dressing the store's windows for Christmas.為了迎接聖誕節,他們正在佈置商店櫥窗。
furnish UK 
 /ˈfɝː.nɪʃ/ verb
to put furniture in something:
They've furnished the room very simply.他們把房間佈置得很簡單。
set UK 
 /set/ verb
to put furniture and other things on a stage so that it represents the time and the place in which the action of a play, film, or television programme is going to happen:
During the interval the stage was set for the second act.在換幕休息時,工作人員佈置了第二幕的佈景。
do sth out phrase UK
to decorate something:
They did the room out with balloons and streamers ready for the party.他們爲了派對把房間用氣球和彩帶裝飾起來。
fit sth up phrase UK
to put furniture in a room or building:
We've fitted up the spare room as a nursery.我們已把空房間佈置成兒童室。
layout UK 
 /ˈleɪ.aʊt/ C1 noun
the way that something is arranged:
I like the layout of the house.我喜歡這座房子的佈局。


set the table B1 phrase
to put a cloth, knives, and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal:
Could you set the table for lunch, please?你來擺餐桌準備吃午飯好嗎?


tablescape UK 
 /ˈteɪ.bəl.skeɪp/ noun
the arrangement of items on a table that produces an attractive and decorative effect, often with matching plates, bowls, etc. and items such as napkins, flowers, and candles:
With only a few days left before Thanksgiving, there's not a whole lot of time for executing an elaborate tablescape.還有幾天就是感恩節了,沒有太多的時間精心佈置餐桌了。
tablescaping UK 
 /ˈteɪ.bəl.skeɪ.pɪŋ/ noun
the activity of arranging items on a table in an attractive and decorative way, often with matching plates, bowls, etc. and items such as napkins, flowers, and candles:
Interior designer Fiona Leahy is a master of tablescaping.室內設計師費歐娜·里希是餐桌佈置方面的大師。


rearrange UK 
 /ˌriː.əˈreɪndʒ/ B2 verb
to change the order, position, or time of arrangements already made:
The new sofa was bigger than the old one, so they had to rearrange the rest of the furniture.新沙發比舊沙發要大,所以他們不得不重新擺放其他的傢俱。
rejig UK 
 /ˌriːˈdʒɪg/ verb UK informal
to change and improve the arrangement of something:
We'll have to rejig the shed in order to get the extra chairs in.我們要重新佈置一下棚屋,以便能放更多的椅子。


arranger UK 
 /əˈreɪn.dʒɚ/ noun
someone who puts objects in a particular order or position:
a flower arranger插花師


formal UK 
 /ˈfɔːr.məl/ adjective
A formal garden is carefully designed and kept according to a plan, and it is not allowed to grow naturally.
formally UK 
 /ˈfɔːr.mə.li/ adverb
(of garden design) in a way that is carefully designed and kept according to a plan


set sb to work phrase
to give someone work to do:
I was set to work dusting the bookshelves.我被安排做清除書架塵土的工作。
set UK 
 /set/ verb
to give someone a particular task to do:
Harry set them to work painting the walls.哈利佈置他們油漆牆壁。


set play UK 
 /ˌset ˈpleɪ/US 
 /ˌset ˈpleɪ/ noun US
in sports such as basketball and American football, a set of movements that can be planned and practised and allow the team to get in a good positions to score


formal UK 
 /ˈfɔːr.məl/ adjective
A formal garden is carefully designed and kept according to a plan, and it is not allowed to grow naturally.
formally UK 
 /ˈfɔːr.mə.li/ adverb
(of garden design) in a way that is carefully designed and kept according to a plan


set piece UK 
 /ˌset ˈpiːs/US 
 /ˌset ˈpiːs/ noun UK
a move in a sports game that has been planned and practised

台長: 多面向呈現


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