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a bouquet of flowers 一束花

1 .a bowl of rice 一碗飯

2. a scoop of ice cream 一球冰淇淋

3. a head of lettuce 一顆生菜

4. a piece of cake 一塊蛋糕

5. a loaf of bread 一條麵包

6. a slice of pizza 一小片披薩

7. a serving of fried chicken 一份炸雞

8. a clove of garlic 一瓣大蒜

Add two cloves of garlic before you fry the cabbage.(炒高麗菜前先加兩瓣大蒜。)

9. a pack of gum 一包口香糖

10. a jar of honey 一罐蜂蜜

11. a stick of butter 一條奶油

Top the grilled chicken with a stick of butter.(在烤好的雞上放一小條奶油。)


12.a tin of tomatoes 一罐番茄

A tin of tomatoes will add a lot of flavor to the soup.(一罐番茄罐頭會讓這碗湯增添不少風味。)

13. a bag/packet of chips 一包洋芋片

14. a cube of butter 一小塊奶油

15. a bar of chocolate 一塊巧克力

16. a square of chocolate 一塊巧克力

17. a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力

依照形狀和包裝來分,光是巧克力的量詞就有好多種了!而說到 a box of chocolate,怎麼能不提到影史最經典的《阿甘正傳》呢?「人生就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道你會拿到什麼」,簡單的一句話,富含哲理,來看影片原音重現:


1. a bottle of water 一瓶水

2. a glass of wine 一杯酒

3. a can of coke 一罐可樂

4. a pack of beer 一手啤酒

Albert bought a pack of beer, knowing it would be a tough night.(艾伯特買了一手啤酒,因為知道晚上會不太好過。)

5. a pint of beer 一品脫的啤酒

6. a carton of juice 一盒果汁

7. a liter of milk 一公升的牛奶

8. a sip of water 一口水

He took a long sip of his drink and finally signed the contract.(他啜飲了長長的一口飲料,然後終於簽下了合約。)

別人點飲料的一定看起來比較好喝?跟好兄弟或是好閨蜜出遊一定要交換喝一口啊!這時候你就可以用到 have a sip 這個片語囉~除了互相分享食物,還有什麼英文是吃東西會用到的呢?身為吃貨的你,一起用填飽肚子來學英文吧!


1. a pack of cigarettes 一盒香菸

2. a box set of books 一套書

3. a piece of furniture 一件家具

The small apartment was crowded with pieces of furniture.(一件件的家具堆滿小小的公寓。)

4. a barrel of oil 一桶油

5. a blade of grass 一根草

6. a nugget of gold 一塊黃金

7. a round of applause 一片掌聲

常常在聽 TED 演講或是名人畢業演講的人一定知道,a round of applause 這個片語超常用,可以直接當作固定的用法背起來了。如果覺得場面有點冷、想和台下觀眾互動一下的話,隨時把片語拿出來好好運用一下哦!讓我們一起看擁有最佳群眾魅力的講者 – 歐巴馬的完美示範:

8. a gust of wind 一陣風

9. a fit of laughter 一陣笑聲

His extraordinary story had those children in fits of laughter.(他非凡的故事逗得那些小朋友哈哈大笑。)

10. a tank of petrol 一箱汽油

11. a tube of toothpaste 一條牙膏

12. a bar of soap 一塊肥皂

13. a dash/pinch of salt 一點鹽巴

14. a ball of clay 一團黏土

15. a darker shade of red 更深的紅色

After being humiliated in front of tons of people, his face turned a darker shade of red upon seeing that his crush was also in the crowd.(在被當眾羞辱後,他看到他的暗戀對象也在人群中,臉因羞愧而變得更紅了。)


barrel 常用啤酒桶、葡萄酒桶、石油桶,都是需要加蓋且密封的桶,可見一般需要密封的大桶就使用barrel

bucket  通常指有提把的桶

pail 通常指沒有提把的桶

a barrel of wine 一桶葡萄酒

 a barrel of oil 一桶油

a bucket of paint 一桶油漆 

a bucket of popcorn 一統爆米花

bucket of mussels 一桶淡菜

a pail of oysters 一桶生蠔

a pail of water 一桶水

a pail of milk 一桶牛奶

Ice Cream Party Pail 

summer bucket list  平生夢想單

wish list

to do list

waiting list

shopping list

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