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Adolescents in their teenage years will experience many physiological, psychological, and social changes and challenges.

Physiologically, their bodies are undergoing changes including growth in height, weight, and sexual characteristics.

Psychologically, they may experience emotional fluctuations, formation of self-identity and values, exploration of sexual behavior and relationships, among others.

Socially, they may face various pressures and expectations in academics, career, and family. Additionally, adolescence may bring about some risky behaviors such as attempts to escape negative emotions, smoking, drinking, drug use, and sexual activity. Therefore, adolescents in their teenage years require support and guidance to help them navigate through this important stage.

an imbalance which appears to exist only during adolescence -- is essentially at odds with each other. This imbalance is behind the tendency that could lead to potentially dangerous behaviour, including drug use, harmful drinking, addiction, unsafe sex and risky driving, which may result in unintended injuries, violence and/or even premature death. Understanding how specific changes in brain function during development relate to behaviour is critically important for determining why some individuals engage in excessive risk-taking behaviour during adolescence




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