On December 22, 2021, the FDA authorized an oral antiviral pill, called Paxlovid, for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in people ages 12 and older who are at increased risk for severe illness. The treatment is available by prescription only, after a positive COVID-19 test and within five days of symptom onset. (Harvard Health Publishing)
(12月22號美國食藥署授權核准一款治療輕度到中度、12歲以上新冠肺炎患者的口服抗毒藥物Paxlovid。這項須經醫生開立處方的治療僅適用於COVID-19 檢測呈陽性,且為初期症狀(5天內)的患者。)
說到「藥物」,通常第一個想到的單字是drug (n),常見用法如anti-cancer drug「抗癌藥物」、fertility drug「排卵藥物(治療不孕用)」等。除了形容藥物,drug還有另外一個大家熟悉的意思就是「毒品」,如drug dealer「毒販」、drug addiction「藥物/毒品成癮」。
藥物還可用medication來形容,基本上指的是用來治療疾病的藥物。因此,去看醫生時經常會聽到醫生詢問Are you currently taking any medications?(目前是否有在服用任何藥物?」
We might need to change the medication Mr. Norris is currently taking. It doesn’t seem to be effective.
(我們可能需要替Mr. Norris換掉他目前服用的藥物,這個藥似乎沒那麼有效。)
治療疾病或症狀的medication 基本上有兩大類,一種是不需要醫囑在藥局即可購買的「非處方藥」over-the-counter medications(簡稱OTC),而另一種是需要醫生開立的處方簽 prescription (n),動詞即是prescribe (v)「配藥」。去藥局拿藥可以用fill a prescription「按處方抓藥」,除了藥物外,在國外就連配眼鏡也是需要有醫生的prescription。
The doctor prescribed a stronger painkiller for her migraine.
Your ID might be required when you fill your prescription for the first time.
pill「藥丸/藥錠」經常用在sleeping pill「安眠藥」,美式英語中的the pill常指「避孕藥」。我們經常看到不同形式或形狀的藥,常見的兩種形式如tablet「錠」和capsule「膠囊」。此外,在臨床試驗中為了證實藥物的療性通常會分為實驗組與對照組,實驗組服用藥物,而對照組用的則為「安慰劑」placebo (n),外觀和試驗用藥完全相同,但並不具備藥物的成分。
而「治療/療法」在英文上也可用不同的字,最簡單就是treatment (n),動詞為treat。
The doctor is looking for another way to treat her chronic illness.
The treatment was proven quite effective during the clinical trial.
除了treatment之外,也可以用therapy或remedy來形容,例如physical therapy「物理治療」。但therapy通常用來強調「身體和心理上的治療」,不使用藥物或手術等醫療手段的療程,
The rehabilitation center provides patients with different physical therapies for relieving their pains and stiffness.
John is using herbal remedies for his injuries.
Some people use shopping as a remedy for their personal problems.
1.give someone a taste of one’s own medicine「以牙還牙」。
John usually shows up 30 minutes late for the meeting so we decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
2.a bitter pill to swallow「難以承受的事實」。
For a three-time PGA champion, losing to a 12-year-old golfer is a bitter pill to swallow.
1.Mr. Wilson ran out of his medication so he went to the pharmacy to get his prescription _________.
(A) filling
(B) to fill
(C) fill
(D) filled
2.Mary recommended this _________ lip balm for chapped lips.
(A) medicated
(B) medication
(C) medicine
(D) mediation
2.正解為(A)。本題的空格在名詞lip balm前面,因此需選擇符合句意「Mary推薦這款________的唇膏來減緩嘴唇乾裂。」的形容詞。medicated「含藥的」,故應選答案為(A)。