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noun [ C ] UK  /ˈkæb.ɪn/ US  /ˈkæb.ɪn/

cabin noun [C] (HOUSE)



a small, simple house made of wood


a log cabin


cabin noun [C] (ON SHIP)


a small room where you sleep in a ship


cabin noun [C] (IN AIRCRAFT)


the area where passengers sit in an aircraft



cabin crew 群體

noun [ C, + sing/pl verb ]

UK  /ˈkæb.ɪn ˌkruː/ US  /ˈkæb.ɪn ˌkruː/

(UK also cabin staff)


flight attendant 單人

noun [ C ]

UK  /ˈflaɪt əˌten.dənt/ US  /ˈflaɪt əˌten.dənt/


someone who serves passengers on an aircraft




he person in charge of a ship or an aircraft


This is your captain speaking. We expect to be landing at Osaka Kansai airport in an hour's time.




1. To board a plane | Embark 登機

2. Cabin 機艙

3. Flight attendant 空服員

4. Aisle 走道

5. Overhead bin 行李架(座位上方的置物櫃)

6. Galley 飛機上的廚房     gallery 藝廊

7. Cockpit 駕駛員座艙

8. Pilot 飛行員/駕駛員

9. Co-pilot 副駕駛員

10. Taxing 滑行

11. Take-off 飛機起飛

12. Motion sickness 暈機

13. To cruise 巡航

14. Turbulence 亂流 /ˈtɝː.bjə.ləns/

16. Flight entertainment- 機上娛樂系統

17. Refreshments 茶點/便餐/飲料

18. Touch down 飛機的輪子接觸到地面

window seat 靠窗座位

aisle seat 靠走道座位

overhead compartment 艙頂置物櫃

call button 服務鈴

seat belt 安全帶

armrest 座位扶手

seat-back screen 椅背螢幕

seat-back pocket 椅背置物袋

in-flight magazine 機上雜誌

airline meal 飛機餐

headphones 頭戴式耳機

eye mask 眼罩

pillow 枕頭

blanket 毛毯

Definition of REFRESHMENT

1 refreshments [plural] : drinks and small amounts of food

refreshments will be served/provided at the meeting.

 They provided plenty of liquid refreshments. [=drinks, especially alcoholic drinks]


2 refreshment [noncount] : food and drink

 The workers were in need of refreshment.

 (humorous) Would you like some liquid refreshment? [=an alcoholic drink]


3 refreshment [noncount] : the process of becoming rested and regaining strength or energy

We went camping for relaxation and refreshment.




Crews and Attendants

Essentially, the difference is that Cabin Crew is everyone that works on board an aircraft. Flight Attendants, Senior Flight Attendants, Pursers, Onboard chefs – all of them are part of the Cabin Crew. They are all a part of the team that is responsible for your well-being on a flight.


They all have different roles. Obviously, the pilots fly the aircraft. The flight attendants instruct how to act in an emergency, prepare and serve meals and just generally take care of the passengers. Senior flight attendants or Pursers (this time they do mean the same thing) are in charge of the whole crew that works with the passengers – they are essentially supervisors of every single operation onboard. They are the more experienced flight attendants and also earn a higher salary.





in an aircraft, the people whose job it is to take care of the passengers


Hello, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard. We are presently flying at thirty-nine thousand feet on our flight from Atlanta to London. We are expecting a smooth flight and anticipate an on-time arrival in London at 10:05 PM GMT. We hope you enjoy your flight.”


Hello, this is your pilot speaking. It appears we are now going to be a bit late; one of our passengers, a fourth grade teacher from Nashville, thought it would be a great educational experience for us all to see the snow on the Rockies; so we took a little diversion-well, actually a rather significant diversion. You might not have noticed the Rockies or the snow since the entire area was covered in clouds, but we would all agree that she is a very nice lady and was quite well intentioned. But we are now headed east, the weather is looking fine, and again, we’re sorry for the delay and will get back to you as soon as we figure out our new arrival time.”


Uh, hello, it’s me again–your captain. We’re sorry but we lost a bit more time coming back from out west. The passenger in 5C thought it would be a good idea to decrease our speed and fly at a lower altitude. He just got his pilot’s license and he wanted us to follow the protocols he had been taught. Of course he was taught to fly a Piper Cub and has only soloed a few times; but he is a professional after all, and we didn’t need to pay for his advice, something about insurance, but that doesn’t matter. What a deal! I think we might have given the Donald a little scare when we almost knocked the top of Trump Tower in Chicago, though.”


Well, it’s me again, your captain, and as I am sure you are aware, we did make a quick little unscheduled stop in New York City due to an overzealous air traffic controller who thought we should have originated our flight in New York, and you might have noticed that the ground crew took some time to unload our meals in favor of something they thought would provide us with better nutrition, but we are now back in the air and flying over Iceland and heading in the right direction. I have alerted the cabin crew, and we would like to offer you complimentary wine and free headsets. We hope you enjoy our movie, ‘Mission Impossible 5.'”


Hello, this is your copilot. Our captain is being detained. I mean, he is… uh…on a potty break. We unfortunately are not going to make it to London. We were told by flight control that the nice young couple in 23 A and B thought we would be happier visiting Paris and seeing the Eiffel Tower, so we are going to be accommodating, not rock the boat, so to speak, and fly to Paris rather than London. We hope you will not be inconvenienced and yes, I do realize that it already after 10 AM and that we are already over twelve hours late, and yes, I’m hungry too. Oh, and we do apologize for dinner, as you discovered, they not only removed all our meals, but replaced them with vitamin pills. But they did say that they had it on good authority that we would be better off with the pills They said that you might feel worse for a while, but that it was a good sign and you would be better off in the end. Some good news: the flight attendants tell me that they should have at least one of the lavatories back up and operating soon.


Please fasten your seat belts and remain in your seats, we seem to be experiencing a little turbulence.”


As absurd as this little vignette sounds, this scenario rather replicates the trip many of you are on. You came to NACD because we shared your vision and goals for your child. We had the same destination and created a course. You came to us so that we could pilot you through the storms and get you where you wanted to go. You chose us because of our track record, our unique history of success, our incomparable experience, our eclectic philosophy, and most of all, the tens of thousands of our children all over the world who are demonstrating that you can expect more, get more, and who are redefining potential. At NACD we have one and only one agenda, which is to help you reach your goals for your children. We don’t bring in a dozen folks and ask each to look at a piece of your child and establish their personal goals and incorporate their personal small bag of tricks. And we don’t have limited expectations based on relatively limited experience, funding, or perspectives. For over thirty years we have been gaining unique experience, knowledge, and insights, have been adding to our already over 3,000 techniques, and have continued to develop new tools as needed. We operate from a parent’s perspective, your perspective, which is essentially that we can never do this well enough or fast enough and thus are in favor and supportive of everything that works. Not everything, just everything that works.


Please help us do our jobs and let us help you coordinate the pieces and keep us going in the right direction. When you fly, your plane’s computers and pilot are making constant course corrections to get you where you want to go when you want to get there. Please communicate with our crew, your coaches, often so we can help guide you and keep us all on course. The more we veer off course, the less likely we are to get where you want to go. Get help, get good help, but let us help coordinate the pieces and keep us heading in the right directions. Your goal is our goal; your destination is our destination. We’re not here for the next few hours, the next month, or even just the next year; we’re here for the whole trip.




(1)   Welcome announcement.


Good Morning! Ladies and Gentlemen.

Welcome onboard this flight to Seoul.

My name is John Graham and I'm Your In-flight Service Director.

Your cabin crew are here to ensure you have an enjoyable flight to Seoul this morning.


Good morning. ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome aboard Korean Air flight 493 bound for Taipei .

We are sorry for the delay in our departure.

Please fasten your seat belt and refrain from smoking while the no smoking sign is on.


From captain Jackson and the crew, it is our pleasure to serve you today.

If there is anything we can do to make your flight more enjoyable, please let us know. Thank you.


In a few moments we'll be screening a safety Video about this aircraft.

you'll also find a safety briefing card in the seat pocket in front of you.

We require that you give us your careful attention.



(2) Government regulation


The use of all radio transmitting devices is banned at all times as they can interfere with the aircraft instruments.  All portable electronic devices such as walkman's, computers, calculators, must be turned off during take off & landing and cell-phones must not be used at any time.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

For your safety, all passengers are kindly requested to refrain from using portable telephones, televisions, cd players, or fm radios in the cabin.  Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen:

We are waiting for take-off (landing) clearance from the Air Traffic Control tower.  We expect to depart (land) in 12 minutes. Thank you for your patience.


Ladies and gentlemen:

We will be taking off shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened. Thank you.


May I have your attention, please?

The fasten seat belt sign is now off.  However, we would recommend that you do keep your seat belt fastened during the entire flight.  Your cooperation will be appreciated.




(3) Safety announcement


Ladies & Gentlemen! The safety instruction card is in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Please read it. It shows you the equipment carried on this aircraft for your safety.


A life jacket is in the pocket under your seat.  To put it on, place it over your head.  Clip on the waistband and pull it tight.  Please do not inflate it while you are still inside the aircraft.  An evacuation slide and life raft is at each door.  Your crew will direct you to your door.  Additional emergency exits are shown on the leaflet.


In case of emergency, oxygen masks will drop down in front of you.  Please pull the mask down toward your face and place the mask over your mouth and nose.  If you are traveling with a child, please attend to yourself first, then the child.  Breathe normally, adjust the headband to suit yourself.




Ladies, and Gentlemen.

The captain has turned off the seatbelt sign, which means you can leave your seat now if you wish.  However, for your own safety and the safety of others around you, you must keep your seatbelt fastened while you are seated.  Should the seatbelt sign come on again during the flight, please return immediately to your seat, and for everyone’s safety, you must keep your belt fastened while seated.


Should you wish to remove anything from the overhead lockers, please take care as some items may have moved during take off and could fall out on you or other passengers.


Passengers are reminded that this is a non-smoking flight, which means that smoking is not allowed anywhere in the aircraft, including the toilets which are not protected by smoke detector alarms.  As a reminder, the non-smoking sign will remain illuminated throughout the trip.




Ladies & Gentlemen!  In a moment, We will be distributing arrival cards and Customs and Quarantine declarations for L. A.  There are three different U. S. immigrations forms and each passenger will be required to complete one of these forms, depending on your nationality, passport or Visa status.  There are no immigration requirements for U. S. citizens. 


If you hold a valid U. S. Visa, you are required to complete a WHITE I-94 Immigration Form.  If you are traveling under the U. S. Visa Waiver Programme, then you must complete a GREEN I-94W Immigration Form.  If you are not traveling under a U. S. Visa, then you must fill out a BLUE I-94T Immigration Form.


We are required to ask you to fill out the forms in INK and in BLOCK letters, with no alteration or cross outs.  Please ask the Flight Attendant if you make a mistake and require another form.  Each arriving traveler or head of family must complete the Customs Declaration Form.  This includes citizens, Canadian citizens, Permanent residents of the Unites States and new immigrants to the U. S. A.  Passengers traveling beyond the U. S. are regarded as being in transit and are not required to fill out an arrival card.





The immigration card must be completed by, on behalf of, all passengers including children.  The immigration card must be completed accurately and in particular the question relation to an address in Australia.  In the event of an address being unknown this must be answered as "unknown."  The customs and Quarantine Form must also be completed by all passengers. However, married couples traveling together with children under the age of 18 years aged only to complete one Customs and Quarantine Form.  Thank you.




(New Zealand)

The immigration Form must be completed by, or on behalf of all passengers, including children.  The customs and Quarantine Form must be completed by all passengers, except children 17 years or under who are traveling with a parent or legal guardian.  Passengers under the age of 17 may be included on a parents or guardians declaration.  Please note that the immigration Form and Customs and Quarantines is included in the welcome to New Zealand book.  Thank you.




(4) Entertainment Service announcement



For your enjoyment during our flight today, we have placed a complimentary copy of our in-flight magazine, Pacific Way, in the seat pocket in front of you. If you wish, please feel free to take this with you when you leave.



Those interested in buying duty free goods will also find our sky-shop brochure in the seat pocket. 


(Entertainment system)

If you are in the First or Business class sections, you will find controls for your reading flight, call button and the in-flight entertainment system on the inside of your seat armrest.  In the economy cabin, these controls are located on top your seat armrest.  To adjust your seat, push the round bottom beside the panel.  Toilets for passengers seated in the economy cabins are located at the front, middle and rear of these cabins.


Tea, coffee and a full bar service will be available throughout the flight.  If you require any special assistance, please contact a flight attendant nearest you.  We are here to ensure that you have a comfortable and enjoyable flight.  Later on we'll dim the cabin lights so you can get some rest.  We recommend that while asleep, you keep your seatbelt fastened over the top of your blanket.  This way it will not be necessary to wake you up should the seatbelt sign come on during the flight.  If you don't want to be waken for breakfast, please advise a flight attendant.  Thank you.




(5) Farewell announcement.


(Top of descent announcement)

We hope you have enjoyed the in-flight entertainment.  We are now preparing to land.  The bar is closed and we will soon collect your headset. May I remind you to complete your arrival and immigration documentation by the time we arrive.


(Prepare for landing)

Ladies & Gentlemen, now We're approaching Seoul where the local time is 09:00.  At this stage you should be in your seat with your seatbelt firmly, fastened.  Personal television screens, footrests and seat tables must be stowed away and all hand luggage stored either in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front.  Please ensure all electronic devices including laptop computers and computer games are turned off.


【行李英文】suitcase / baggage / luggage 差在哪?

You are currently viewing 【行李英文】suitcase / baggage / luggage 差在哪?

嗨~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Jessie 👋

因為工作或學業而忙得焦頭爛額的你,是不是想來一場小旅行放鬆一下呢?小編每次在打包行李時都是最期待的,因為整理完行李,就代表美好的旅行即將展開了 🛫

說到行李,最常看到的英文單字有 suitcase、baggage、luggage,但你知道這三個字有什麼差異嗎?如果你還不知道,那就趕快往下滑 👇 相信你看完以下內容後,就能解開這個疑惑了!



suitcase 是指行李箱,不管有沒有輪子,都可以叫 suitcase。suitcase 是可數名詞,所以只要在字尾加上 s,即可形成複數 suitcases。

Lisa’s suitcase is full of her clothes and cosmetics.

Lisa 的行李箱裝滿了她的衣服和化妝品。

My friends lost their suitcases at the train station.


I need to use the restroom. Could you keep an eye on my suitcase?


I’ve packed my suitcase, and I’m ready to go.



baggage 是美式英文對行李的統稱,不管是行李箱 (suitcase)、登機箱 (carry-on)、手提包👜  (handbag)、後背包🎒 (backpack),只要是你攜帶的行李,都可以稱為 baggage。相較 suitcase,baggage 的意思更廣泛。

Kyle just got his boarding pass and checked his baggage.

Kyle 剛拿到他的登機證,並託運他的行李了。

Oh yes, I’ve got a lot of baggage.


你有注意到上面例句的 baggage 都不是複數形嗎?其實這就是 baggage 跟 suitcase 的不同之處 👉 baggage 是不可數名詞,所以不會有複數形。也由於 baggage 是不可數名詞,所以 baggage 後面如果要接動詞,通常是接單數動詞喔!

David’s baggage weighs over 20 kilograms.

David 的行李重量超過二十公斤。

Our baggage was badly damaged.



a piece / … pieces of baggage

an item / … items of baggage

這種情況下,baggage 後面才可能接複數動詞。

I only have a piece of baggage.


Two items of Emily’s baggage were stolen in Paris.

Emily 的其中兩件行李在巴黎被偷了。


luggage 則是 baggage 的同義字,它是英式英文對行李的統稱。現今其實已經沒有很明確區分 luggage 和 baggage,大部分情況下,兩者都可以互換使用。

luggage 跟 baggage 一樣是不可數名詞,沒有複數形。如果要單指一件行李,一樣可以說 a piece/an item of luggage。


Nancy went sightseeing right after leaving her luggage in the hotel.

Nancy 把她的行李留在飯店後,馬上去觀光。

Each item of luggage has to be checked by the security officers.


How many pieces of luggage do you have?


Ms. Johnson is placing her luggage on the scale.

Johnson 女士正把她的行李放到磅秤上。

Baggage 和 Luggage 的搭配詞

上面有提到 baggage 和 luggage 是同義詞,所以很多時候都可以交替使用。下面就列出一些它們的常見搭配詞 📝

📌 hand baggage/luggage, carry-on (baggage/luggage) 手提行李


hand baggage/luggage


 carry-on baggage/luggage

carry-on 是可數名詞,表示手提行李;carry-on 也可以當形容詞,表示搭機時隨身攜帶的。

Passengers are allowed to take one piece of hand baggage/luggage onto the plane.


Please store your carry-on (baggage/luggage) under your seat or in the overhead bin.


📌 checked baggage/luggage 托運行李

跟手提行李相反,必須到登機報到櫃檯 (check-in counter) 托運的行李就稱為 checked baggage 或 checked luggage。

You don’t have to retrieve your checked baggage/luggage when you catch the connecting flight.


📌 baggage/luggage allowance 行李限重

allowance 是限額的意思,所以 baggage/luggage allowance 就是指行李限重。行李限重主要是為了飛行安全,所以航空公司對行李重量可說是斤斤計較呢!

The baggage/luggage allowance for each passenger is thirty kilograms.


📌 excess baggage/luggage 超重行李

既然行李有限重,當然就可能有不小心超重 (overweight) 的情況啦!超重的行李可以說 excess baggage 或是 excess luggage。

My dad’s luggage is overweight, so he had to pay for excess baggage/luggage.


📌 baggage claim/reclaim  行李提領區

出國過海關後,第一件事通常就是到行李提領區領回你的行李。行李提領區可以說 baggage claim 或是 baggage reclaim,這裡的 baggage 和 luggage 是不能互換的喔!

Do you know how to get to baggage claim?


a piece of furniture with shelves, cupboards, or drawers, used for storing or showing things


Valuable pieces of china were on display in a glass-fronted cabinet.


a bathroom/filing cabinet





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