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"Sharp" can have several meanings depending on the context. Here are a few examples:

  1. Having a pointed or jagged edge or surface. Example: The sharp edge of the knife can cut through meat easily.

  2. Having a keen or acute sense, intelligence, or intuition. Example: She has a sharp wit and always makes clever jokes.

  3. Having a strong or pungent flavor or odor. Example: The cheese had a sharp taste and a strong smell.

  4. Severe, intense, or sudden. Example: The sharp pain in my knee made it difficult to walk.

  5. Accurate, precise, or focused. Example: The sharp image on the computer screen was impressive.

Overall, "sharp" can describe something that is pointed, intelligent, intense, strong, or precise, depending on the context in which it is used.

Quick Male Monologue Tips:

Find a monologue that fits you and your experiences. Find a character or situation that you can relate to.

Pick a monologue that is age-appropriate. If you’re in your 20’s, don’t choose a monologue for a detective who’s about to retire.

Choose a monologue that is suitable for the role you want. Are you auditioning for a comedy? Pick a comedic monologue! Want to get a role in a drama? Pick a dramatic one.

Find one that tells a story. One that fits you, that has emotional relevance and will keep those watching you interested.


  1. 找一段適合你和你經歷的獨白。選擇一個你能夠產生共鳴的角色或情境。
  2. 選擇一段適合你年齡的獨白。如果你是20多歲,不要選擇一位即將退休的偵探的獨白。
  3. 選擇一段適合你所想要的角色的獨白。你是否在參加喜劇的試鏡?選擇一個喜劇獨白!想在戲劇中得到一個角色?選擇一個戲劇性的獨白。
  4. 找一個講述故事的獨白。選擇一個適合你的,具有情感關聯性的獨白,這樣能讓觀眾對你產生興趣。

"Orc" refers to a page or article that lists and explains the different meanings of the word "orc" or "ORC" in various contexts. It is used to clarify the meaning of the term as it can have multiple interpretations, depending on the subject or field it is used in. For example, "Orc" can refer to a type of fictional creature in fantasy literature and games, or it can also refer to a software framework in programming. An "Orc " page is commonly found on websites or wikis to help users find the information they are looking for by providing links to the relevant articles or pages.

bay 吠

keep sb/sth at bay的用法很廣泛, 寫英文時可以多加利用:

hold/keep sth at bay (idiom)
1防止。 It will depend on whether we succeed in holding proliferation at bay. 它端賴我們能否防止核子擴散而定。
2防堵。 The administration was unable to keep the disease at bay. 政府無法防堵疫情。
3阻擋。 They try to keep globalization at bay. 他們試圖阻擋全球化。
4抑制。 Those are measures aimed at keeping inflation at bay. 這些都是抑制通貨膨脹的措施。
5防止…惡化。 He took a daily cocktail of pills and vitamins to keep the disease at bay. 他每天同時服用藥丸和維他命以防止病情惡化。
6擋住。 He preferred holidays with his father at Balmoral in Scotland, where the flashbulbs could be kept at bay by acres of royal land. 放假日他比較喜歡跟父親去蘇格蘭的巴爾摩拉,因為那而有一大片皇家土地擋住記者的閃光燈。

keep sb at bay (idiom)
1阻擋。 Beijing’s second priority is keeping its rivals at bay. 北京的第二大要務就是阻擋敵人。
2遏止。 In an effort to keep tobacco smugglers at bay, 1000 new customs officers have been recruited. 為了遏止香煙走私,海關已經招收了一千名新進人員。
3讓…望而卻步。 The town’s fearsome reputation keeps the tourist hordes at bay. 這座小鎮的惡名讓觀光客望而卻步。Many of the problems that have kept investors at bay remain.許多讓投資者望而卻步的問題仍然存在。
4把…擋在外頭。 Police took the two suspects into a nearby station and kept the mob at bay. 警方把兩名嫌犯帶到附近一處警局,並且把暴民擋在外頭。
5讓…裹足不前。 The terrorist bombings, kidnappings and endemic corruption that plague the Philippines keep foreign investors at bay. 困擾菲國的恐怖爆炸和綁架事件以及泛濫的貪腐行為讓外國投資者裹足不前。
6讓…不敢逼進。 Rumored to have undergone military training in China, he would spray bullets from an AK-47 above crowded streets to keep the police at bay. 據說曾在大陸受過軍事訓練的他會在擁擠的街道上拿機關槍四處掃射,讓警察不敢逼進。
7讓… 退避三舍。 That aroma of mildew will certainly keep other women at bay. 那種霉味一定會讓其他女人退避三舍。
8讓… 一籌莫展。 His curveball kept the Giants at bay. 他的曲球讓巨人隊一籌莫展。
9讓… 不敢輕舉妄動。 A Canadian frigate currently keeps the thieves at bay. 一艘加拿大獵雷艦目前讓這些海盜不敢輕舉妄動。

"Stint" 可以作名詞或動詞使用,具體用法如下:


  1. 限制或限額的時間段或工作量。例:He did a stint as a waiter during college.
  2. 某個特定的工作或職務。例:She had a short stint as a journalist before becoming a teacher.
  3. 短暫的時間。例:He took a brief stint in the army before returning to civilian life.


  1. 做某項工作的一段時間。例:He stinted as a taxi driver for a year.
  2. 吝嗇、節省使用。例:He stinted on the food and drinks for the party.
  3. 限制、限制某人的行動或發展。例:Don't stint your children's creativity.

總體而言,stint 常用來描述一段短暫的時間、一項工作任期或限制某物的使用、發展或行動。



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