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despite (prep.) 儘管


介系詞despite多益常考單字,多出現在閱讀選擇題,和in spite of意思相同,表示前後語氣相反,只能接名詞或動名詞,不能接子句。


例句:Despite the heavy rain outside, she still went to the gym to work out.(儘管外面下著大雨,她還是去健身房運動。)


Although意思與despite相似,但用法可大不同,常會有人搞混。although是個從屬連結詞,後面必須接一個完整子句,同樣的例句,用although的話要這樣寫:Although it was raining heavily outside, she still went to the gym to work out.


另一個與price相關的常見片語是price tag(價格標籤)。tag最近因為社群網站臉書而有新的用法,做動詞「標記某人」使用。我們來看以下對話情境:


A:Did you take pictures of us playing the game? (你有拍我們玩遊戲的照片嗎?)


B:Yeah, I did. Do you want me to tag you?(有啊!你希望我標記你嗎?)


A:Yes, please do. I want to see the pictures on my Facebook page. (好啊!我想要我的臉書上有那些照片。)


一、In spite of, despite(介系詞)

這兩個都是介系詞,所以後面接名詞、動名詞、或代名詞組成介系詞片語。我要特別提醒,有些人會寫 despite of,這是錯的。despite 不加 of,in spite 才有 of。


In spite of his success, John remained a humble man.

Despite being very smart, Jack does not work very hard.

Despite his injuries, John still finished the race.



二、although, even though, though(連接詞)



They are coming next month, though I don’t know which day.

She walked home by herself, although she knew it was dangerous.

Mary hasn’t called, even though she said she would.




despite 的用法

despite 為介系詞 (prep.),意思為「儘管、雖然」。


1️⃣ despite+N / Ving


Monica went to school for the exam despite being sick.



Despite the heavy rain, the Brown family still enjoyed the trip.



Wendy wanted some desserts despite having eaten a lot of food. 🤤



despite 可以放在句首或句中,與同義詞 in spite of 可以互相抽換,不過 in spite of 相較來說比較正式且少用,要留意不要混淆兩組字的寫法喔。




2️⃣ despite the fact that + S + V


Benson insisted on joining the contest despite the fact that nobody supported him.



Despite the fact that Kevin lost his left leg, he didn’t give up being a model.



⚠️ 要非常小心,台灣的學習者很容易在這部分犯錯!

despite 是無法直接加上子句的,必須先加上 the fact that 再接子句。

此用法同樣可以放句首或句中,並能與 in spite of 代換。






講到「雖然、儘管」的句型,大家通常會先想到 although 吧~

沒錯!以上的用法也可以與 although / though 的句型代換喔!

不過,although 和 though 為連接詞,和 despite 的用法不同,這個觀念很常在多益的文法選擇考出來喔。




Although the man is poor, he leads a happy life.

Despite being poor, the man leads a happy life.

Despite the fact that the man is poor, he leads a happy life.


✏️ 小試身手

在看完以上講解後,你也來試著用 despite 的兩個句型來翻譯這些句子吧,答案會公佈在下方~








① 雖然艾力克斯每天做運動,卻仍瘦不下來。


Although Alex does exercise every day, he still can’t lose weight.

Despite doing exercise every day, Alex still can’t lose weight.

Despite the fact that Alex does exercise every day, he still can’t lose weight.


② 儘管天氣很糟,艾蜜莉仍出門慢跑。


Although the weather was bad, Emily still went jogging.

Despite the bad weather, Emily still went jogging.

Despite the fact that the weather was bad, Emily still went jogging.




The weekly report is nearly done _____ the requirement of adding some tables.


(A) although

(B) even though

(C) despite

(D) despite of


although 用法





The weekly report is nearly done despite the requirement of adding some tables.



(A) although(連接詞)雖然、儘管

(B) even though(連接詞)意思用法同 although,但語氣較強。

(C) despite(介係詞)雖然、儘管

(D) despite of 沒有這個用法,可改成 in spite of,意思用法同 despite。





Although 和 even though 後面要接有「主詞」和「動詞」的完整小句子。例如:

We still enjoyed the concert although it rained.




Even though I met all their requirements, I still didn’t get the job.




Despite 和 in spite of 後面則會接一個「名詞」或「動名詞」。 例如:

We still enjoyed the concert despite the rain.




In spite of meeting all their requirements, I still didn’t get the job.




加碼解說一下,the requirement of adding some tables 是「名詞 of 名詞」的結構,

翻譯的中英順序會相反,意思是「增加一些表格 / 的 / 需求」。

由於 of 後面會接「名詞」,所以要把動詞 add 轉變成「動名詞」adding,


What’s the fun of staying home all day?




了解以上用法後,就算你不是很確定每個字的意思,還是可以輕鬆選出答案 (C) despite 囉,

因為後面的 the requirement of adding some tables 是一組名詞呀。
























indicate (v.)/indication (n.) 顯示、指出




例句:Car ownership is frequently used as an indicator of affluence.(買車這件事常被當做是評判一個人富有的標準。)



台長: 多面向呈現


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