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2010-02-23 16:55:54| 人氣149| 回應0 | 上一篇

The Angel test

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I am the Archangel Jeremiel

My name means
"Mercy of God"



Archangel Jeremiel is the Angel of sympathy, prophecy, knowledge and intuition, and judgement. He is involved with the process of attaining wisdom and assists us in tasks that require us to preserve, analyse and apply knowledge. He is an inspirer and awakener of those higher thoughts that motivate us to devote ourselves to spiritual acts of service. Also, he enhances clarity of visions and helps our dreams to become lucid.   (耶利米爾是掌管同理心、預言、智識、靈感與審判。關於獲取、保有並應用知識與智慧。祂啟發我們從事靈性服務,祂也強化我們的洞察力,也幫助我們澄清夢境) 
(哇! 難怪祂都在夢中跟我溝通)

Jeremiel helps us see our lives from a loving and tender perspective and enables us to let go of the past and come to terms with changes. He inspires mercy and guides us toward love, kindness, and most importantly, harmony with all aspects of our lives. Whenever we feel the need to take an inventory of our life, so as to make positive adjustments, Jeremiel will be there. He helps us decide which goals are worthwhile and satisfying to pursue, which relationships need to be protected and nurtured, and which aspects of our lives are hurting, angering, or slowing us down and need to be discarded. (耶利米爾幫助我們從愛與溫柔的角度來看我們的人生,使我們迎向改變、放下過往。祂引發我們生活中的慈悲、愛、仁慈還有和諧。當我們感到生命需要改進,耶利米爾就會在那。祂幫助我們決定哪些目標值得追尋、哪些關係需要滋養,哪些面向會有害而需要捨棄。)

Besides helping us to see with clarity while reviewing and summarizing our past and present life, Jeremiel assists us with clairvoyant abilities in our waking and dream life to grant us insight in what is yet to come. He offers comfort whenever the uncertain future is causing us to be anxious. At times when we feel “stuck”, spiritually or emotionally, he helps us regain enthusiasm and confidence. After an encounter with Jeremiel, our view on life will have changed and our thoughts will be untangled. (除了藉由檢視往事與前世來幫助我們,祂也協助我們在清醒與睡夢中利用洞察力來預見未來。祂撫慰我們對於未知的焦慮。當我們精神上或情緒上感到停滯受阻,祂也幫我們重新找到熱情自信。在與耶利米爾相遇之後,我們對於生命的視野將會改變,我們的思想也將會得到釐清)

One of Jeremiel's most important tasks is to help newly crossed-over souls to review their lives. This is a service that helps those still living, too, as it comforts them to know that their passed-away loved ones are now in the care of this merciful Angel. (耶利米爾還有一項重要任務,即幫助剛去世的靈魂檢視他們過去的一生。這也幫助並安慰到那些還在世的人,因為他們會知道他們去世的至親受到這位慈悲天使的照顧。)

A Bit of Trivia: Being the Angel of Prophesy, Jeremiel guards the knowledge of the exact day of the final judgement. He is titled the Guardian of the Souls and as thus often compared to Hades, the Greek God of the Dead. (身為預示天使的耶利米爾守護著最後審判日的知識。祂被稱為靈魂的守護使者,常與冥府死神相提並論)

台長: 克里斯 ♫
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