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Content-based instruction: Teaching language through content in areas such as math, science, and social studies. Language is no longer the main focus, but instead language is picked up while focusing on other regular content. This type of teaching is especially popular in ESL settings.
內文為基礎教學 透過其他專業科目 來學習

Strategies-based instruction技巧性教學
Instruction is a learner-centered approach to teaching that has two major components
1. students are explicitly taught how, when and why strategies can be used to facilitate language learning and language use tasks
2. strategies are integrated into everyday class materials and may be explicitly or implicitly embedded into the language tasks.技巧結合每日生活課程教材幫助語言任務

Form-based instruction 形式基礎 is a kind of instruction which occurs in classrooms when teachers try to aid learning by raising the learners’ consciousness about the target language rules. Form-based instruction can be deductive(the learners are told the rules) or inductive (learners develop a knowledge of the rules through carrying out language tasks)幫助學生有意識的學習語言規則

假說 hypothesis
Contrastive analysis hypothesis refers to hypothesis that second language errors are the result of differences between the learners first language and the target language and these differences can be used to identify or predict errors that will occur. The greater the difference between L1 and L2, the more errors that will occur.
第二外語的錯誤多來自與第一外語的習慣轉換 兩者相異性越大 犯錯可能越多

比較 The influence of the native language in learning a foreign language is certainly indispensable.(不可避免的) This influence can be either positive or negative.

Language interference (transfer)
經由第一語言產生的影響 壞的影響 第二語言學習時的錯誤 好的影響可產生正確的第二語言
is the effect of the native language of learners on their production of the language they are learning. The effect can be on any aspect of language: It is most often discussed as a source of errors (negative transfer), although where the relevant feature of both languages is the same, it results in correct language production (positive transfer). The greater the differences between the two language, the more negative the effects of interference are likely to be. Interference is most commonly discussed in the context of teaching, but it will inevitably occur in any situation where someone has an imperfect command of a second language.

Critical period hypothesis:
The hypothesis that if somebody does not acquire a first language before a certain time (around puberty), they will lose the ability to acquire language. There are two versions of this hypothesis: The strong version states that language will be impossible after this point has been reached. The weak version states that acquisition will be difficult after this period has been reached.
在青少年時期前 未獲得語言 可能造成學習困難 或無法獲得這種語言能力
在兒童時期 越早學習第二外語 可以獲得類似母語的能力
According to the implication of critical age hypothesis, a child can acquire a native-like second language during the early childhood and puberty.

Comprehensible input: is a hypothesis that learners will acquire language best when they are given the appropriate input. The input should be easy enough that they can understand it, but just beyond their level of competence. If the learner is at level i, then input could come at level i+1. Sending meaningful message creates opportunities for students to access i+1 structures to understand and express meaning. Input should be relevant and not grammatically sequenced.
學生獲得適當的input能達到最有效的學習 (input: the sounds or words received by learners) Input必須是簡單易懂的 並高過學習者的程度 i+1 提供有意義的資訊可幫助學生通過i+1結構 使學習不費力的獲得

The Input Hypothesis is unstable because no definition is given of the key concept, “comprehensible input.” The argument that effective input contains structures just beyond the syntactic complexity of those found in the current grammar of the acquirer leads nowhere, because it assumes a non-existent theory of acquisition sequences. The input Hypothesis also fails to account for the elimination of incorrect intermediate forms, and provides no way of distinguishing between different instructional methods (each of which, if effective, can be argued to provide comprehensible input).

The Affective Filter Hypothesis
The learner’s emotional state, according to Krashen (1985), is just like an adjustable filter which freely passes or hinders input necessary to acquisition. In other words, input must be achieved in low-anxiety contexts since acquirers with a low affective filter receive more input and interact with confidence. This filter is affective because there are some factors which regulate its strength. These factors are self-confidence, motivation, and anxiety state. The pedagogical goal in a foreign/second language class should thus not only include comprehensible input but also create an atmosphere that fosters a low affective filter.
學習者的情緒狀態 就像一個可調節的篩子 可以通過或阻擋學習必要的input 必須在低焦慮的下 情緒篩子才能獲得較多的input 影響篩子的情緒因素包括自信 動機和焦慮狀態 學習第二外語的教育目標必須包含可理解的input 也必須創造一個氣氛產生低影響的篩子

Zone of Proximal Hypothesis
Vygotsky’s ZPD theory is the idea that the potential for cognitive development depends upon the “zone of proximal development”. A level of development attained when children engage in social behavior. Full development of the ZPD depends upon full social interaction.

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