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Ambiguity tolerance
A person who is tolerant of ambiguity is free to entertain a number of innovation and creative possibilities and not be cognitively or affectively disturbed by ambiguity and uncertainty. (H. Dovglas Brown, 2000)
容忍學習時的模糊與曖昧 可幫助創造更多可能性 而不受認知或情緒影響
Authentic discourse 在真實對話中 產生的內容 例如新聞報紙 和朋友間的日常對話 a text which is created in real contexts, such an newspaper or daily talks between friends.

Acculturation: is the process whereby individuals from one culture adopt the characteristics and values of another culture with which they have come in contract.

Bottom-up: lower level (print/ words) to higher level
Top-down: higher level (comprehending and constructing the meaning/ the message which is comprehended) to lower level. Top-down models stress the influence of the higher levels on the processing of words and letters.

Communicative competence: is a linguistic term for the ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language to form correct utterances, but also to know when to use these utterances appropriately.

Communicative competence is a concept introduced by Dell Hymes and discussed and redefined by many authors. Hymes’ original idea was that speakers of a language have to have more than grammatical competence in order to be able to communicate effectively in a language. They also need to know how language is used by members of a speech community to accomplish their purpose. Grammatical competence is an intrinsic本質的 part of communicative competence. 學習者為了有效溝通須具備更多文法能力 並了解語言中的成員如何完成對話的要義

溝通能力是一個語言的辭彙 使用文法的能力去產生正確的發言 並且知道何時使用適當的發言 包含 文法上的 社會語言學 言談 策略性四種能力

Communicative competence consists of four components
1. Grammatical competence- words and rules
2. sociolinguistic competence-appropriateness
3. discourse competence-cohesion and coherence
4. strategic competence- appropriate use of communication strategies.

互動可幫助學生交換社交內文 發展溝通能力
Interaction promotes lively exchanges by learners within a social context, a setting that facilitates the development of their communicative competence. Through interaction, students can increase their language store as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussion, skits短劇, joint problem-solving tasks, or dialogue journals.

Communication strategies使用於學習者無法用正確的語言去表達時使用的策略 例如改寫句子paraphrase和啞劇 mine
Communication strategies are strategies for using L2 knowledge. There are used when learners do not have the correct language for the concept they wish to express. Thus they use strategies such as paraphrase and mine.

The concept of instructional scaffolding is rooted in the work of Vygostky who argued that higher functions, such as think and memory, have their origins in social interactions, rather than physiological or cognitive development within the individual.

電腦媒體溝通 Computer-mediated communication
refers to the use of computers to create, store, deliver, and process communications. For example, the Internet has become a much more complex, commercialized, politicized and increasingly networked environment, to the extent that web-based resources—particularly home page addresses—have become fully integrated and hypertextually lined.

Emotional Intelligence is whose abilities and characteristics of self-awareness, self-motivation, empathy, managing-relationships, mood-management, which is fundamental to effect learning.
情緒智商擁有基本影響學習的特徵 自我警覺 自我動機 熱忱 人際管理 情緒管理

Field independent students will prefer situation that allow them freedom in working toward their goals and solving problems. These learners like to work individually.
獨立領域學生 喜歡獨立自由的努力朝向目標 解決問題

Functional syllabus 功能性教案以語言功能目的為主要特徵 內容以功能性為主而非文法結構例如給予意見 指引路線 Language programs with functions being the primary organizing feature. The course content is based on functions not grammatical structures. A typical unit might be Giving Advice.

Fossilization 錯誤的固定化occurs when an error becomes a habit of speech in a second language learner. This happens especially when the error does not interfere with communication, and hence, the speaker does not get corrective feedback.

Interlanguage中介語: In the process of acquiring a second language, a language learner may acquire forms of language that are in between their first language and their target language. This can happen when, for example, they incorrectly apply rules of their native language to the target language, or they have not completely learned the full extent or limitations of a rules’ use and so misapply is systemically.
中介語: 獲得第二外語的過程 誤用第一語言規則在第二語言上 ;未完全了解語言規則的限制與延伸

Intrinsic motivation is the enjoyment of language learning itself
內在動機 在於享受學習本身的樂趣

Instrumental motivation underlies the goal to gain some social or economic reward through L2 achievement, thus refereing to a more functional reason for language learning.
幫助動機 目標在於獲得社會或經濟上的報酬

Integrative motivation is characterized by the learner’s positive attitudes towards the target language group and the desire to integrate into the target language community.
整合動機 學習者積極的態度 渴望與目標語言的社群交流

Learning styles學習模式(特色): the ways that particular learners prefer to learn a language.
1. Auditory learners: have a preference for hearing the language
2. Visual learners: seeing written down
3. Analytic learners: learning it in discrete(不連續)bits
4. Global or holistic or experiential learners: experiencing it in large chunks
5. Kinesthetic learners: prefer to do something physical while experiencing the language

Language ego: the relationship between language learning and ego development
Children, female, adolescent, adult and male ego are different. Some people are afraid of mistakes and that are corrected by others; and hence, they are with anxiety of learning.
語言自我 語言學習與自我發展間的關係 孩童與青少年`成人 女性與男性的語言自我有所不同 有些人害怕犯錯 或是被糾正 因此在學習上有焦慮 男性的情況多於女性 成人青少年多於孩童

Language acquisition device:語言習得機制which has the task of selecting from the infinite set of possible grammars the one which is correct for the language.

Schemata基模: are structured groups of concepts which constitute generic knowledge about events, scenarios, actions or object that has been acquired from past experience.
基模:一組有結構的概念 來自過去經驗的應用 包含對事件 動作 物體的常識

Whole-class grouping: merits classroom management is under control
Disadvantage: less teacher-student and s to s interaction

Cooperative language learning is group language learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of information between learners in groups in which each learner is held accountable for his or her learning had is motivated to increase the learning of others.
互助學習 學習需要社會結構 利用學習小組間交換資訊 學習動機幫助學習
(Audiolingual Method)

Simultaneous bilingualism 環境刺激雙語者 從小就中文和台語的環境下一起學
Sequential bilingualism (successive bilingualism)學會母語後接觸另一種語言
Subtractive bilingualism 認為一種語言會影響另一語言的學習 而改由第二語言替代 ex.禁說台語學中文 禁說中文學英文

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