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2010-01-30 20:01:48| 人氣107| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

_。long way to go。_

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Was it you
That said that you could never get enough of me
But you confessed
That when we were alone you had to tell yourself to breathe
So maybe i
Should feel a little more like i've been living in a dream
Well I'm asking you should I stay

Even though I love you
(i cant help thinking about if i'd be better without you)
If we stay together
(it could get worse, then again, maybe it could get better)
Even though i love you
(i cant help thinking about if i'd be better without you)
Somethings wrong we both know
That you and i still got a long way to go

Why would you
Wanna be with me instead of other guys
Oh make me feel
Like something special
God I think i've heard million times
So would it be enough
To buy you everything and call you mine
Cause it won't last long if I do

If I would leave tomorrow
You'd be the last to know

Even though I love you
If we stay together

Long way to go
Long way to go
Still got a long way to go

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