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2008-02-17 21:28:16


點網址連結 LPTV第【11】集: chester bennington參觀mike shinoda的畫展 chaz拼命的耍娘、裝Gay..等 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cf00XMTQxNDY3OTY=.html LPTV第【12】集: linkin park拍攝專輯照片、cha...

2008-02-17 18:17:40

Given Up_放棄了

點此連結 (原版) http://wwww.zisai.com/tkf/midnight.mp3 (現場收音版) http://www.nsgstation.com/seth/Linkin%20Park%20-%20Given%20UpL.mp3 Wake in a sweat again 再度滿身是汗地醒來 Anoth...

2008-02-17 16:53:49

A Place For My Head_腦袋空間

A Place For My Head_腦袋空間 點此連結 http://lovelynitnit.free.fr/musik/Nhac-Anh-My/Linkin%20Park-Hybrid%20Theory/09_-A_Place_For_My_Head.mp3 I watch how the moon sits in the sky 我看著月亮是...

2008-02-17 16:37:37


點此連結 http://drenath.sdrone.net/music/Linkin%20Park%20-%20Papercut.mp3 Why does it feel like night today? 為什麼今天漆黑如夜? Something in here’s not right today 感覺有點不大對勁 ...

2008-02-17 15:34:57

By Myself_自我傷害

By Myself 點此連結http://lovelynitnit.free.fr/musik/Nhac-Anh-My/Linkin%20Park-Hybrid%20Theory/07_-By_Myself.mp3 what do i do to ignore them behind me 我該怎麼做 才能忽視他們在背叛投影的眼光 ...

2008-02-16 18:43:30

Somewhere I Belong_我的歸屬

我的歸屬 點此連結 http://lapis-glacialis.net/sodapop/Linkin%20Park%20-%20Somewhere%20I%20Belong.mp3 when this began 一切 就這樣開始 i had nothing to say 我卻無話可說 and i get l...

2008-02-16 07:15:53

Points of Authority 光榮時刻

Points Of Authority 光榮時刻 點此連結 http://www.chrisocean.com/muzic/music/Points-Of-Authority.mp3 Rap : (Forfeit the game Before somebody else Takes you out of the frame And puts your ...

2008-02-16 06:45:17

One Step Closer 發狂邊緣

One Step Closer 發狂邊緣 點此連結http://shft.free.fr/MUSIC/ALBUM%20-%20Linkin%20Park/Hybrid%20Theory/02%20One%20step%20closer.mp3 現場 http://gjart.cn/managegjart/ewebeditor/media/006.Wma I...

2008-02-07 17:00:46

Numb 麻木

Numb 麻木 點此連結 http://www.nanyue.net.cn/upload/musics/04.mp3 I’m tired of being what you want me to be 我受夠了當你的玩偶 feeling so faithless, lost under the surface 毫無信仰, 在假面下迷...

2008-02-07 16:47:12

From The Inside 發自內心

發自內心 點此連結 I don’t know who to trust, your surprise 不知道該相信誰 Everything feel so far away from me 沒什麼好奇怪的 Have your thoughts ...

2008-02-06 04:16:05

Chester 個人資料

主唱:CHESTER BENNINGTON 1976.3.20 出生 178公分 是一位美國的音樂家, 以新金屬樂團聯合公園(Linkin Park)的主唱身分最為人熟知。 個人發行過 Let Down - 為了他的個人獨立活動計劃所寫的歌曲 ...

2008-02-04 19:31:15

With U 如影隨形

http://www.vektor7.com/files/ftp/raine/melanie/linkin%20park/Hybrid%20Theory/Linkin%20Park%20-%20With%20You.mp3 With You   我在夢境中醒來  醒在非難的寒意中 冰冷的雙腳踏在地上  忘了...

2008-02-04 19:24:30

Faint 暈

http://coraochan.com/music/Linkin%20Park%20-%20Faint.mp3 我 有些寂寞 有點不理不睬 有一些埋怨但對於事實我束手無策 因為任誰都看的見這些傷疤 我 是我要你渴望的 是我要你感受的 但這就像 無論我...

2008-01-17 21:01:53

聯合公園-Don’t Stay ( live 版 )

http://mp3.webun.net/%CC%EC%BF%D5%D6%AE%B3%C7.mp3 (live版) http://dl.duowan.com/gh/music/ee/Linkin_Park-Dont_Stay.wma (演唱) http://mymedia.yam.com/m/1767925 Sometimes I ...

2008-01-17 20:38:41

聯合公園-Breaking the Habit(MV) 有字幕

(MV) http://mymedia.yam.com/m/1784466 (點此連結) http://www.008.org.cn/upload/linkin_park-breaking_the_habit.mp3 (現場) http://www.link-e.net/xzkimg/linkin_park-breaking_the_habit(live).wma Me...

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