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2008-07-30 14:09:02| 人氣127| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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What am I gonna do now, I can't seem to think of anything elseyour pretty face,
your perfect skinI love the way your hair blows in the wind,
every time you smileI feel a warmth from within,I'm constantly thinking of ways,
to say'Hi I'm Andrew Chou"...oh man,I don't know how to do it,
I get cold feetjust thinking about it,maybe I'll just write her a song,
that goes like this...
就算每天人來人往 是那麼吵鬧 除了你我全都聽不到我的心去了哪裡
 想請你幫我找到你的愛藏在哪裡 分給我好不好小小的世界少了你 我快要瘋掉除了你 
我誰都不想要 I need you nowI'll do anything you ask,
just give me a chancehelp you with your homework,
even carry your school booksI won't even call you a thief,
Even though it's my heart that you tookdon't matter to me,
what my friends say I just say look,
Maybe I don't know what true love isbut I've never felt like this,
"Hi I'm Andrew Chou" just gotta get past thisAnd let you know I exist,
and then you'll see,that god put you on this earth, just for me...
就算愛情天荒地老 是那麼難熬 為了你我一定做得到我的心去了哪裡 
想請你幫我找到你的愛藏在哪裡 分給我好不好小小的世界少了你 我快要瘋掉除了你我誰都不想要 
I need you now我的心去了哪裡 想請你幫我找到你的愛藏在哪裡 分給我好不好小小的世界少了你 
我快要瘋掉除了你我誰都不想要 I need you nowI need you now I need you now

台長: 鬼小蝦<鬼鬼>
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