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Listen, my friend! I am a sinner and you are a sinner but someday the sinner will be Brahma again, will someda... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-03-24 03:22:41 | 回應:4
Siddhartha said: "What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-03-15 12:24:40 | 回應:2
He saw that the water continually flowed and flowed and yet it was always there; it was always the same and ye... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-03-12 03:35:14 | 回應:2
Was there any kind of filth with which he had not besmirched himself, any sin and folly which he had not commi... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-03-08 10:18:31 | 回應:1
Dear all, I’m reading Siddhartha, written by Hermann Hesse and it touches me deeply. Somehow, I feel that ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-03-01 13:40:29 | 回應:2
Dear all, 我到台灣了!祝大家新年快樂!萬事如意! HIYORI (詳全文)
發表時間:2007-01-01 14:09:39 | 回應:1
最近在看討論齊克果的書籍,看看這位聞名已久,卻始終無緣探究的哲學家,有著如何的特色。我借到了這本小書:John Dou... (詳全文)
發表時間:2006-09-11 08:43:20 | 回應:0
Dear all. Today is my first day in Big Island, an island of Hawaii. Wish all of you are just great! ^^ Best... (詳全文)
發表時間:2006-08-13 17:25:29 | 回應:1
既然被水懺點名了,就一起加入遊戲吧! 【遊戲規則】 1. 這是接力遊戲。以「人生就是這樣」為標題 接下去,不管接什... (詳全文)
發表時間:2006-08-02 07:17:17 | 回應:6
各位親愛的朋友: 隨著考期不斷逼近,HIYORI終於又到了不得不臨時抱佛腳的時刻;只好忍痛與朋友們暫別道別~~7/20以... (詳全文)
發表時間:2006-07-05 21:56:12 | 回應:0
(圖:巴比松畫派:「羊群」) 親愛的朋友:寒冬終於過去,好不容易,又是春的季節。 感謝您們這些日子以來,對於本... (詳全文)
發表時間:2006-03-02 10:36:40 | 回應:2
愛爾蘭,一個面積是臺灣兩倍大、人口是臺灣五分之一弱的島嶼 1922年分裂為南北愛爾蘭 1948年南愛正式脫離大英國協,... (詳全文)
發表時間:2006-02-06 09:13:42 | 回應:0
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