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2009-04-18 12:37:43| 人氣555| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Dont give up:)

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Not long ago, a woman came to me in our Wednesday evening church service for prayer because she was desperate for a place to live. She told me that she tried to get an apartment but was turned down because of her income. As I listened to her story, I thought about Elisha in the Bible. Elisha prayed and prayed for rain in the midst of a drought, but his servant told him there were no clouds in site. Elisha, empowered by faith, said to his servant, "Go look again!" And sure enough, there was a rain cloud on the horizon. Thinking of Elisha’s determination, I looked at the woman and said, "Go ask again! Just go back and ask one more time." The following Sunday, she came to me and said, "Can you believe, I went and asked one more time and they gave me a rental contract for nine months!" We both rejoiced in the faithfulness of God!

I encourage you today; if you are believing to see the promises of God come to fruition in your life, don’t give up! He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. You may be tired, things may seem dark, but remember it’s always darkest just before the dawn appears. When you are weak, that’s when His strength will rise up in you! Keep standing, keep believing, keep declaring His Word over your life. Don’t give up because God wants to pour out His abundant blessing in every area of your life!:)


台長: 下巴☺
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2009-04-18 16:19:43
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