
Letters From Iwo Jima 硫磺島之手紙對白
”Today I head for the post where my men await. I am determined to serve and give my life for my country.” said by 渡邊謙 in the Iwo Jima
”Until the very last man, our duty is to stop the enemy right here. Do not expect to return home alive.” said by 渡邊謙 in the Iwo Jima
”If our children can live safely for one more day, it would be worth the one more day that we defend this island.” said by 渡邊謙 in the Iwo Jima
”This letter will probably never get to you, but my only concern is for you and the baby.” said by 二宮和也 in the Iwo Jima
”You should die like an honorable soldier.”
”The battle is approaching. It’s end. We only have our rifles. And there is no more ammunition, no more water. I bid you farewell.”said by 渡邊謙 in the Iwo Jima
”A day will come when they will weep and pray for your souls. I will always be in front of you.”said by 渡邊謙 in the Iwo Jima
Another movie like Letters from Iwo Jima is called Flags of Our Fathers. They both are directed by Clint Eastwood and both directed in Iwo Jima.....
