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2004-07-18 00:47:04| 人氣1,113| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

我是實習醫生 3rd Week -- 略有所學

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- bedside USG
- protoscopy and hemorrhoid banding
- holding a camera in lap cholecystectomy

Less patients this week
努力地contact 上Dr Thomas Chan--for GOPC
不少護士會"爆粗"--not白衣天使 at all
On call night 可以吃得很飽, 而不愁湯水--if you're lucky enough

1. 很麻煩很麻煩的伯伯: PR bleeding, fresh melena; Patrick 的一句"任憑他去死吧"

2. 阿Ben's patient: 90-year-old, he'd rather die than have an operation. Eventually he died the night of admission. Coffee ground vomiting, distended abdomen, ileus. 如果我是他的話, 我也不想做手術. After all, 90 is not a small number. 沒有家人, 死的時候, 只有牧師守候身旁. Perhaps God is there, too. Ben 有點兒失落.

3. A deaf patient with PR bleeding. Communication totally depended on my writing. When he left, he said "goodbye" to me.

台長: Sheep


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