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2004-07-11 22:34:51| 人氣769| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

我是實習醫生 2nd Week -- 面對死亡

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Not enjoy it at all
病人很多--走廊滿是patients--thanks to our A&E colleagues
On call 很累很累--一晚之中, 兩個病人要CPR; 收十多個症
1st time CPR--手忙腳亂, mask upside down; 想走, 被責怪; 被取笑
2nd CPR--a little bit better, 依然不知所措, failed to put in angiocath; Dr Lee 責怪之餘, 給機會我try intubation, 走時還叫我休息一下呢--but I still needed to admit 5 patients--東方已白
Shifting PTBD
未熟cases, 不是滋味
一天中的first sip of water 可以是第二天的3am

Lives to God:
1. 21-year-old 女孩, colon cancer with multiple operations and complications, 父母守候在身邊, crying, weeping. I just wonder 在這死亡的過程中whether they can see the face of God

2. 16-year-old 女孩, thin, abdominal pain, 跨過走廊的兩張病床, 教患colon cancer 的女孩輕拍床上的布娃娃-- Charming but tearing

3. man in his 20s, editor of newspaper, suffering from chronic pancreatitis, talks softly. Fragile body, fragile life

4. woman in his 40s, acute pancreatitis, dying. Relatives, 或老或少, 前來送她人生最後一程, 愁雲揮之不散. 為patient 抽血時, 她跟我說多謝我們, 我不知如何回應

5. 39-year-old lady, breast cancer with metastasis, feeling dizziness -- 驗血 驗血--but for what?! She barely has any vein. 我為她chose "飛機仔"--她怕痛, 我不想她覺得太痛

願主接收他們脆弱的生命--if You really exist.

台長: Sheep
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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