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2008-08-20 11:51:36| 人氣211| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

good bye

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i refused to keep working , hell ya!!!
'cause i did not like it at all and there are some things i have to finish.
i'm not sure when i'll go back to school .
i got many news about my department and social groups.
truely i know when i go back , many things need be done.
though many cases , i have personal things need finish .
DAMN i'm in a dilemma.

台長: sudo
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職) | 個人分類: Think and talk |
此分類下一篇:Big SHOCK
此分類上一篇:處女座 This is THE REAL me !

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