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2008-05-16 20:36:31

Banks of the Ohio

http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=MilfP2fVLhU&feature=related http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqVNufcXLAQ&feature=related Banks of the Ohio I asked my love to take a walk To take a walk, just a l...

2008-05-16 19:51:53

Unchained Melody

1990年電影【第六感生死戀】主題曲「Unchained Melody 奔放的旋律」伴隨著影片中山姆與茉莉捏陶瓷的纏綿愛戀情節,The Righteous Brothers(正義兄弟合唱團)所演唱的1965年全美排行第4名的抒情經典作”Unchained Melo...

2008-05-12 18:13:54

Then you can tell me goodbye

http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJS3tsxw7AZQ Then you can tell me goodbye Kiss me each morning for a million years Hold me each evening by your side Tell me you love me, ...

2008-05-12 00:36:09

We are One

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoKdgEAisoY When, I saw you for the first time I knew you were the one You didn’t say a word to me But love, was in the air Then you held my hand Pulled me in...

2008-05-12 00:03:02

For all we know

http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=kHf_nOROZA0 For all we know For all we know We may never meet again Before you go make this moment sweet again We won’t say good night until the last minute I ...

2008-05-11 22:53:39

It Was Almost Like A Song

http://blog.xuite.net/janemin/blog/4656833 It Was Almost Like A Song - Ronnie Milsap Once in every life Someone comes along And you came to me It was almost like a song You were in my...

2008-05-08 22:36:38

Paris, je t’aime 法文和英文版主題曲

Paris, je t’aime主題曲 法文版 http://www.im.tv/vlog/personal/523944/1184748 La mme histoire 《相同的故事》 Quel est donc Ce lien entre nous Cette chose indfinissable ? O vont ces dest...

2008-05-01 18:26:53



2008-04-24 21:04:54


熊熊叔叔專心照顧小寶寶。 小寶寶乖喔!不要哭哭喔!熊熊叔叔陪著你! 每次寶寶在房間裡哭,熊熊就會坐在房門外狂喵呢!好像很擔心。小寶寶到底想幹嘛!熊熊叔叔實在不懂!咦!小寶寶表情怪怪的!這是怎麼一回事...

2008-04-23 01:09:35


新經理來了,阿飄洋洋灑灑,列了五頁交接清單。 其中有:交接名片。(人家跟你一樣名字嗎?) 其中有:交接電腦密碼。(我們電腦沒有密碼。) 其中有:交接SOP。(那是我做的,存檔在電腦裡面。) 其中有:交接P...

2008-04-19 16:35:01


余光中 鄉愁四韻 給我一瓢長江水啊長江水 酒一樣的長江水 醉酒的滋味是鄉愁的滋味 給我一瓢長江水啊長江水 給我一張海棠紅啊海棠紅 血一樣的海棠紅 沸血的燒痛是鄉愁的燒痛 給我一張海棠紅啊海棠紅 ...

2008-04-05 16:49:08



2008-04-04 17:09:29
2008-03-26 01:08:56
2008-03-26 01:00:25


因為是自然產,小如三天就出院回家了,為了讓她多休息,小昇昇就留在醫院裡,打算星期四,滿一週再帶回家。 昨天媽就說了一堆恐怖故事來嚇我們: 1.有醫院很迷糊,讓人家抱錯小孩。 2.有醫院很糟糕,把寶寶掉地上...

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