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2010-04-15 06:14:53



2010-03-11 07:20:50

Live with it

Live with it 我竟然要學習 live with it. 是萬幸吧!至少妳承認有自己的一個世界, 好讓我有個心理準備, 嘴裡不說什麼, 那個世界沒有我, 當以為自己像天堂一樣的時候,會突...

2009-08-21 08:20:29

妳快樂 於是我快樂

妳眉頭開了 所以我笑了 妳眼睛紅了 我的天灰了 妳頭髮濕了 所以我熱了 妳覺得累了 所以我睡了 天曉得 既然說 玫瑰都開了 我還想怎麼呢 求之不得 求不得 天造地設一樣的難...

2008-09-08 12:05:28


廝混罌粟 我看着他在着着妳 徐徐說著,雄辯滔滔 我能做的把那想說的化為有韻律的 以庸俗糜爛爆發而出 在擴音器低音喇叭下正面打散妳你的一派偽語 在多不屑的目光下 妳你你還是依賴這種 打碎在併合再...

2008-09-06 21:05:41


:::俑舞者之弱水三千::: 深夜歸家起薰風 斯人獨個不歸眾 急回家 將愛頌 洋琴弄 露笑容 入繡閣 拒附鳳 翻醋雨 心暗驚 為花迷 不願醒 羞聽...

2008-09-06 20:54:47

:::俑. 繭:::

:::俑. 繭:: 有一天,俑會變成蝴蝶一定破繭而出,現在,就這樣好了。 就讓我包着妳…直到那天…妳能燦爛繽紛地飛走.. 在屏幕後的我痛哭失聲… 好。不。知。所。謂。的。 ...

2008-06-08 02:05:42


那篇這篇,看到都心痛的文.. 這種制肘的無奈! 你知你知!你知個屁!! 我又是甚麽? 我什麽也不是!

2008-04-24 05:10:24


突然好懷念以往報台的各人,明顯地,各有各路,都不再寫了..那些美好瘋狂的時光那裏去了? 可能原地不動的只得我,我頂,你們都死了哪裏?

2007-10-21 06:12:48

:::I put a spell on you:::

I love Halloween, I love the feeling and the words; the colors and the flavor. I love everything about it, other than the fact that it’s so commercial, that everyone has to dress the part of somet...

2007-10-21 06:08:17

:::I notice:::

Most of all, I notice the way you talk to me. Not slow or fast, not like I am a child. You look me in the eye and you smile. I notice you in every way, how you wear that weight on your shoulders...

2007-08-30 08:09:29


我 又 不 知 自 己 在 作 些 什 麽 ? 我想大概要進行腦袋清潔了.. 如果可以,抽起那個塞之後,一切像旋渦般團轉下去,多好!!! 有冒犯之處,我可以做些什麽?

2007-08-23 02:25:23

shut off

suddenly i find myself floating in with the stream of words and my ever drifting thoughts and her song as my background music. maybe it was the lust induced drink to cope for my sudden attack of ur...

2007-07-28 12:32:45

I cannot run away anymore.

All my life I always run way from my fears, Knowing that I will not be loved. My past is a thing you can’t change.... For me, what’s done is done. I cannot run away anymore... I cannot run aw...

2007-07-06 06:58:59

shitty feeling

Oh dear God, Give me strength to realize what is good for me and what is not. I am harming myself by considering anothers feelings. I need this strength, I need to find it in myself to say what I feel...

2007-07-02 13:14:14


Wouldn’t have this any other way. It’s great. Your great. Go ahead and open up my front door I ain’t playin’ no more I don’t kill squirrels no more Ya don’t know I put my shine box away S...

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