初次造訪Buena Vista這地方,是因為一部電影「當男人愛上女人」,片中女主角梅格萊恩在那間餐廳有一幕戲,引起了我的好奇心。後經友人告知才瞭解,這是舊金山當地的高人氣餐廳,特別在週末夜晚,成群男女在此暢飲聊天,不單是歷史悠久,從店內櫥窗眺望舊金山海灣美景更是一絕。
論及這間位於Hyde St.的Buena Vista Cafe,不得不提獨一無二的愛爾蘭咖啡(Irish Coffee),這是其在舊金山生根的發源地。加入大量愛爾蘭威士忌和鮮奶油的咖啡口感獨特,香醇之餘還讓人回味無窮,很適合這裡海洋性氣候。坐在吧台上可以發現,幾乎人手一杯愛爾蘭咖啡,邊品嚐著邊聊天,走時順手在杯底壓張一塊錢美金當小費,那種瀟灑會讓人上癮。
在美國這幾年,只要造訪舊金山時都會去Buena Vista點杯愛爾蘭咖啡,悠閒的坐在角落裡觀看櫥窗外的景色,有時和他人併桌時,還可以彼此閒聊煞時間,平常日我發現以觀光客居多,有來自美國各州或海外的遊客,坐在店內各種口音都有,相當地有意思。儘管店內提供了美食,但因為總是人潮擁擠,感覺用餐就多了點壓迫感,所以我多半寧可小憩一番,後起身讓給等待的客人,再走到漁人碼頭大飽口福。
The original building where the Buena Vista sits today was a boardinghouse until 1916 when the landlord converted the first floor into a saloon. That saloon was named the Buena Vista. (”Good View” in Spanish) The view was good indeed and it served as a warm meeting place for hundreds of fishermen and handlers who worked for the nearby Sardine Cannery. There they could take in a whiskey while scouting the bay for incoming fishing boats which would mean, ”Quick! Finish your drink and back to meet the boats!”
In 1952, with the help of a Pulitzer-Prize winning writer, the Buena Vista introduced to the world it’s now famous Irish Coffee. The recipe has never changed and the view is still quite good.
The original building that housed the Buena Vista at
the corner of Hyde and Beach Streets. Early 1900’s.