My brain is very busy since the day my mom left.. busy on arranging the things, do everything one by one. The day before my mom's flight, she cooks 3 dishes for us, which are all her signatures! Most of those are meats, and so we can stored in the freezer for about 2 weeks or so.
I got home around 7PM yesterday, and within 30 minutes, got Radish soup ready, steamed fish, boiled mixed bell papers, and pan fried veggi... I am so proud of myself..... ~"~. If I can cook like this everyday, then the breastmilk should contain enough nutrition for baby Ashley~~(YAY)
I did all these in a good time mannered. try to do things quick and clean as I don't have time to do deep clean for kitchen..
so grateful that my mom prepared the meat for us, so we can just warm it, since meat is the most time consuming cook. and of course.. that is the most delicious one as well.. LOL..
Andy and I were be able to go to bed around 12PM, which is def a bless from Buddha, since Ashley was not being good at day care. But last night, she seemed ok. slept a lot though, which is very good for parents to clean/arrange the garage, preparing the dinner food for tonight! and Mom can still do the exercise. : - )
我動作飛快的把這些都處理好,而且還一邊整理廚房...因為我想我也沒時間做什麼深度清潔...。真的很感謝媽媽,給我們留了最花時間煮的肉,而且還超好吃~>.<~ 果然有媽的孩子像個寶~
豬豬跟我可以在將近十二點的時候睡覺,真的是佛菩薩的加持。儘管Ashley昨天很fussy, 昨天晚上卻非常乖巧,睡很多。所以豬豬把整個車庫都整理好,我也可以安心煮飯甚至準備今天晚上要煮的菜。還可以繼續維持鄭多燕...
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