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2009-04-30 18:28:59| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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More recently, really tired, tired to do

I lie down to sleep, I do not know how tired I am

Has been engaged in internal and external, Health Solutions, based protection, fine public and these important subjects births alone

Pressure has been crying hard, I said I'm tired

Recently, I came across a pedestrian street

See Valentine

Sometimes really do not want to split some possession cases

However, it is me that has been heard

She sad he broke up with her boyfriend

I can just sit back and relax their shoulders touch her head

Well-behaved!! You are a good thing he did not know how to cherish you

As you left him

We do not need to cry wipe away the tears well-behaved

I have been my shoulder to take the best of you when you haven

Because I know your great good

Love and curiosity that would kill a cat

White people are always so bad

Motorcycle people are always so

Can not love a good treasure

Certain non-wait only know how to recover the lost heart of their hearts

Seriously it is not white Black

台長: 愛,而不一定做的到


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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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