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2009-04-28 15:25:40| 人氣78| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Shielding their eyes

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I do not know what to say frankly that should not be

You see the word play

I really do not know really

I find it hard to believe that it is difficult know?

You see are two different things to say

Whether I should not listen to you, choose not to listen to avoid

Let me sad

All these are false impression that the original

Do not I say you love me

Do not I say you are very sad

It is hard to believe that every word you said
Do not see it installed!! ~
Because I really can not afford the
All the lies you let me how to believe

台長: 愛,而不一定做的到
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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